Look at me, I am so mad that I just lost track of time. lol xD.
Right, I am back to the mood.
Let me continue yesterday's post, oh the day before yesterday. :]]
So yep and that's how I kind of appealed for Table Tennis. They said that they will discuss. If I am in they will report to me, but it's not a promise. Are they trying to tell me that I am not in indirectly... like somehow? Don't you think so? Alright, I shouldn't be that pessimistic, afterall, nothing is impossible, right?
I hoped I am promised to get back to piano at least. Perhaps I shall give NCC a try. If Table Tennis doesn't take me, I'll just widen my mind and head forward to NCC. I know if I appeal to musical CCAs, I am surely in, however, perhaps, NCC isn't that bad after all.
I have been acting pretty unfriendly to the metal door in my classroom lately. It hit my arm once ominously. That must implicate to how I got the bump on... Thursday.
That day, I went for the Business Incubation Workshop for I am pretty interested in it, not mentioning that it's free here when out there it costs bucks. Therefore, I stayed back that day with Yasmin. We had lunch together and I made two new friends! They are Rachel and Caroline. Yasmin's friends. Caroline doesn't like Edward, she said that he looks ugly in the movie which I strongly disagreed silently. (!!!)
After the entire talk, I am suddenly worried about our class on the Cedar Fiesta. Later, Yasmin went back to the our 1I classroom to check if she'd left anything under her table, therefore, I accompanied her. In our classroom, were some seniors, planning something on the whiteboard. While that person talked, everybody listened intently, looking at what seemed like a plan. As I was about to walk out of the classroom, mesmerized by how well their discussion went, I banged onto the metal door in my classroom. Immediately, on my forehead, a bump swelled up. I felt so agonized that my tears began to pricked, while I gently rubbed the bump. Oh it hurts.
This is me when I was in the toilet, on my hand is the bag of ice the Red Cross handed to me to rub the bump; soothe the blood in my forehead. My lips might looked puckered, not because that I am pursing my lips, showing temper or what, it's because of the dirt on the mirror. You know when you splash water onto the mirror, after a while it stayed perpetual.
On my forehead protruded a bump.
My bump is not that visible now ; inconspicuous, though it still hurts. Especially when I washed my face.
Often, I hit my head when I did something wrong usually, awkwardly, perhaps this' just another ominous sign, suggesting that I was too harsh to myself? lol xD
Ohh and you must noticed, I changed my blogskin. Part of it is because of my bump. I don't want to continue blur-ring as to the title of my previous blogskin. LOL. Therefore I changed it to this one which titled My Heart's In Two. It means that my heart is just so unsteady, 三分钟热度, that I've no idea which to go to. To be more specifically, that I've no idea which CCA to go for.
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