Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Monday, March 03, 2008

Terrible results.

Though so, I won't be that childish again to be emotional on my results (: Well, my results are average average, I didn't improve and though I did degeneracy (the right word for deprove), I still stick to the average. :P

And I took the English Paper 1 today, outside the HOD stuff room, all by myself. And the feeling is so damn peaceful. I like the HOD better than the classroom examining which the classroom is with all those chaotic noises, yikes :S The paper was okay okay, I did the question 3 which um was quite short :S And too, the situational writing, it was short :S

MARKAKAKA. Do you wanna know my results? I don't know what you answer me lol, therefore, I'll state them here:

By now I only know these :
Section A 17/30
Section B 35.5/65
Total 52.5/95
Section A 18/20
OMG! Appoint maths 20 I get 18 and my English appoint 30 I get 17, my English is so lousy man.
Section A 44/60
So lousy ): Our class highest is 54, which is quite low :X Okay, I didn't mean that I get very high kay (: Highest goes to Choong Yu Xiang and Qiao Chu. I get so low loh, I want 50 ):
Higher Chinese
Total 46.5/60
This shows that my Science is somewhat lousier than my Higher Chinese lol.

However, during my science paper, I was like sleeping you know. Two questions that I got them wrong, they are actually questions that are so easy, I mislooked them and mistaken what the question wants. I can get 48 for SCIENCE BOOKLET A ONE LORH ): And English too, the synthesis and the comprehension , I'M SO CARELESS. When I refer to the Weimin's mother, I wrote him for Weimin's mother which is so ridiculous. ): I can get that half mark easily, so easy right ): I can get 53 loh. If I total up my carelessness and add these marks to the current total mark, I am sure that the mark will be around 60. ):

Now, I am waiting for my Mathematics booklet B and the normal chinese.

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