Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Monday, October 22, 2007

Today's Chinese is... please don't force me to say.. I've never feel any 'difficulties' in Chinese and yet now, I feel it! It's so difficult of today's Chinese paper! My knowledge of Chinese has shrinked! Probably, shrinking more and more when the time was going more and more.. My Chinese! I thought that I'm so good at Chinese and yet now that I feel.. getting lost with Chinese.. I think I'm going to fail for this Chinese! But luckily that it's only higher chinese, it's more important of the normal chinese!

Okay, I wanna say no more of today's chinese since it's so sad.. so completely making me to have my heart in my mouth.. and so making me feel everything is messy, everything is... !! The more I think or talk about the today's Chinese, the more I think of not doing well in the coming exams! How am I going to get recovered?! Tomorrow's the English!! Okay, I've got it! I'll just watch some television shows to stop myself from thinking of any of this little tyronnizing Chinese! It's tyronnizing me! Okay, STOP! ..

I've thought of audition sometimes these few days but I could easily forget about it.. YAY! I'm gonna work out on the exams this week! GET GOOD RESULT! That's will only help myself from playing audition in that 'relieve' and 'satisfy' feeling that I allow myself to play since I had done such a good job in the exams.. ARGH!! Nelly, can you just stop talking about the past and the future?! Okay.. Sometimes I really feel that I'm annoying to myself.. RIDICULOUS RIGHT?

All right, I tell you what. Today I got this real strange letter from Xiao Meng. I don't know what to do with it, I thought she has gone insane or something like that or is she just like that? Okay.. She gave me this letter that includes her email and so many other things. She wrote 'To: Mrs Ke' LOLS. When had I been to a 'Mrs'?! And then she wrote some vogual words.. which made me crazy! And inside, in the real in part, she put a photo of herself.. She's ABSOLUTELY crazy! What do I do with that photo of her? I've NO idea! We're not in the same class now, not chinese class, not english class, did I even get to speak with her this year? I don't know and I don't know either why she gave me that stupid letter. I think she has gone insane, thinking that it's still primary 3 times... !!! Thinking about the past again, NEL?! NOOOO!! Don't think of any past or future ANYMORE! I had gone insane with her, hadn't I? OMG...

I'm going to make myself comfortable for tomorrow's exams as what I had said to watch some televisions to try to forget all about that CHINESE.. I thought I had already forgot it until now that I had mentioned it... ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! All right, BYE!

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