Just let me tell you all these extremely great amount of things that had just happened in this fast period.
Well, it's really fast~ At the beginning of the holidays, there's my mom coming Singapore from Hong Kong and it's this fast that she had just went back to Hong Kong today. You see, we (my Dad, Nora, Queenie and I) fetched her to the airport today and time got so fast that without even feeling the fast motion, you can already tell that it's fast from when we had gone there around 3 and came back home at 7pm.. I didn't feel any 'slow' at all!! Everytime we went to the airport, the best thing to do is to go to Mcdonald and we (Nora, Queenie and I [NQN]) are really excited when everytime we came to the Airport. But maybe it's not really what feels like that for my dearest Queenie, perhaps that she didn't really feel excited as you see she doesn't like eating much and our darling Mom is going back to Hong Kong that everytime 'Hong Kong' is mentioned in her brain, she would feel rather miserable to be locked in Singapore. But well, this is only my opinion about her, not really that she might feel but I thought it's what she feels?
Time gets really fast especially when you're on the computer, I always thought why is that so and I thought that I know why now. Everytime when I am with the computer for example of blogging or blogskinning or playing audition, it seems really fast without even get to know. I think it's because that computer is really attractive for people around my age, and once you on it, you never know when you would just say good bye to it. It's really difficult to me to say good bye, well, because that when I on it, I find it.. really.. erm.. precious to have it onned, and whenever it's time to off it, I thought that I would have something missed that I didn't do in the computer. Yes and it's true. I've thought of what else that I didn't do in the computer and I thought that I've done everything (my memory is BAD!) but then when I went to bed that night, I recognised a thing to do in the computer. This thing is to make a tagboard in my new blogskin account, and I hadn't even put the tagboard there yet until now for two reasons of my bad memory and my time is too not squeezable.
I had played audition with Serene, Clare, Stephanie, my sister on Tuesday and well, that I really think that they are a lot more pro than we are(Queenie and I). I really ENVIED them! (X
Examinations are coming!!! How fast time is!! It's just like yesterday that I'm having my first day at school this year. And now that it had come to SA2, the final exam?! OH MY~~~ I'm going to faint.. but it all depend on my hard work, of how I had worked will be paid off. I think that I would only get 'average average' for this SA2, but maybe a little lower? This year, it's quite my so called 'game' year? I played tales of pirate, audition, blogskins, and often blogged(oftenly blogged is only at the beginning of the year)... FAST~ Once I did this whole lot of things, it seems very fast! The more I do, the more time I'll squeeze in of my time 'square' (I called this myself) and I thought that I had only left with one-tenth of it to work with my SA2.. 2-tenth of it spent on audition and another 2-tenth on Tales Of Pirate, 3-tenth on designing blogskins, and 3-tenth on blogging, it only left with 2-tenth and I shall share this 2-tenth in my studies.. =='' don't you feel that I'm getting lazier? ... I hoped that I won't be like this next year, as PSLE is here by then.. I don't want to regret like most students who took PSLE do.
Today in the MRT train when we are taking our honey Mom to airport, I made a beg with my sister of the PSLE scores this year. From rumours, that the maths one is really difficult that came a whole load of parents complaining to MOE and Science, most pupils can't even complete it.. I had thought that the highest would be 260 but my sister said that it's 284.. then we made a beg. If the highest of all is nearer to my score, she will give me 10K in tales of pirate and if the score is nearer to hers, I will give her 10K in tales of pirate. I said 'no problem'... cux I got lots of money in TOP(lols.. I'm not trying to act proud).. While I thought about it... I suddenly thought that it should be well, highest should be at least 270 because Maths and Science have only 50 for full marks.. I'd thought that the full marks for both of them respectively is 100.. How silly I am.. but just hope for luck.. please score lower.. :X (am I discouraging the P6s?) but they already took the test, though..
Look at this image, when I look at it, I wanna laugh!
HAHAHAHA... it's taken in the Health Promotion Board when we are hanging out with our Nora to have the test of the four-year-old thing.. when I suddenly flashed my handphone at my Queenie, usually she will flashed back at me like this:
but I think that she's too crumsily that day and got her handphone at the other side... erm.. sounds funny? ...
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