Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Friday, December 28, 2007


I can't say if this is really perfect for the folk adage, "Nothing is perfect." I don't see myself to be prohibitted by such an common saying. So, I'm just gonna say, today's the most perfect day ever. I don't know why and neither do you, I just feel perfect, I feel that everything's fresh around me, EVERYTHING'S clear, everything's lucid, everything's brisky. It's like today's the very only day that I've got a towel, to eliminate every sweep of dewy air from my eyes.

I don't know you of how you make yourself lucid to the world, but I do know about myself. I feel just like what I was saying yesterday, flying in the air. Although, well, don't be silly, it's impossible, but in my mind, I just feel a strong invisible arm carrying me in the air, making me bounce, float, it's that kind of feeling you know. And, yesterday, I didn't feel as floaty as today, it's completely, TOTALLY, I've been like in a wonderland. Oh, I felt you misunderstanding something again. Right, wonderland, doesn't at all meant that I'm dreaming. Well, I'll stop hesitating around, what I'm really trying to say is that, I feel a lot relax after although, one work done. Alright, at least, something is done, to let me feel this way. I say - 'DONE' is the keyword of my life. Only well, something is done, that I shall have this feeling, if not, I felt something real biggy, plumping onto me. 'DONE' . I like this word . :D

Oh well, I think someone has this ought to be thanked by the very me. And she's Yi Xuan. From the moment she's helping me with the work, I felt really 'DONE'. Although, Yi Xuan, I'm afraid you minded really much of the many 'thank yous' I've said, because, I'm really in the mood of wasting my salivias to say the many unoften 'thank yous' that I had said to you. I really hope that you got my thank. :) THANK YOU VERY MUCH YI XUAN, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO REMOVE THE VERY BIG PLUMP FROM ME :)

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