Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Day when I fell sick.

Today had became the day when I fell sick. I only fell sick once in a blue room, you see. Though... only my primary two report book showed full attendance.. but the others like last year, I only had been absent for one day horh. Last year, I was absent for the same reason as today's, Primary 3, I didn't really did absent, just that I fell in the field, where that crocodile thing is, I fell off from that bench, and I got one big half red half blue (purplish) cock eye. And I think it's the left eye that got cocked.. And today, I didn't really absent, at least I stayed for half of the day in school.
At the beginning of today, I felt well, nothing really stroke me, but then when it was the English lesson, I began to feel hot, my face was like burning.. I began to apprehensive of having a fever.
And then next, Maths lesson, I got hotter and warmer.. and yet I still took the percentage test. I was like so rushing the test, I got some unusual mistakes but I still realised them (if not how I know I got mistakes). Andd... I felt quite certain that some odd mistakes will soon be discovered as well.
At last, I felt really really.. so uncomfortable that I took my temperature using my own thermometer and on it stated, '37.7'. Though I know lah, it's not yet so hot, but just to prevent myself to continue trekking this fire, Sharmine sent me to the general office through our Chinese relief teacher's permission.
I went home. And I began to cool down.
My fever is mild now, with the panado drugs and my maid's massaging.
It's so a very fortunate day 'cause the lessons I didn't attend aren't quite that important.
I am going to go to school tomorrow no matter what :P

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