Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Sunday, November 02, 2008

#204:hey, you must know this, plan for tomorrow.

I was stupefied to see 10 votes for my latest entry.
As you see, that entry must be typed by someone nuts who is me. I was pretty mad that day for don't know what reason, that's why I typed all those hellos to cheer up. It is quite effective as you can see an 'oopsie' which I told myself because I typed double hellos in one row. So, I was ROFL, that's what. I was surprisingly contented to see that my blog became lively and more popular because of that silly entry I did.

It is now that I understand why some active blogger actually start rotting their blog where decomposition happens. Maybe this is not what they think but I think this way. Blogging occupied most of your time and it doesn't help at all in your studies because you are doing all the typing, hence your penmanship will surely deteriorate and what's the point to reveal your secrets in your blog... won't writing a diary goes better and more effective which saves more time than blogging... plus you still gotta tag here and there just to receive another tag back by the dear taggers who wasted their time. It just goes around and around; a cycle. Another point is that your eyesight will also deteriorate when you blog constantly, eyeing the bright screen as hard as you can when sting of tear began to form behind your eyes. aw, I've no idea how much I would have lost blogging daily.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, handwritten is X100(infinitive number) BETTER THAN BLOGGING, TYPING, SPOILING YOUR EYESIGHT. Though your must keep to a distance to your diary book when you are handwriting your diary too.

p.s. writing on diary expresses your personal feelings more than typing, for sometimes when you're angry, you would see a dark patch of ink on the paper, happy, neat handwriting, sad, anyhow, tremendous mess on the paper.

p.p.s.s. when you blog, short form surely comes in where I typed ROFL above, this also increases the deteriorating in your English Language which in P5 COMPREHENSION OE CA1, I wrote a short form FOR A WORD in the sentence of answer in the blank to question NUMBER 1.

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