Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

#205: not determined

and OOPS!
you caught me blogging T_T
This shows how 'determined' I am. Okay next time, better don't count on me, my words. Now, I am blogging with this sudden gush of interest. Why ah, that I am interested to blog now, OH-SO-INTERESTED. All I know is that now, at another tab, is screening An Tong's blog. Something infectious told me to blog, something almost invisible when An Tong's blog is totally visible to me. geee... this is so difficult. (something about her blog song... so nice...)
My heart is like pierced, ehh... it will be woven once again when I got so 'determined'... I mean, we are graduating from Hong Wen, and tomorrow will be the last day I am ever going to sing the school song, the last time I will embarrassed myself in Hong Wen School, the last time to embarrass myself in the old Hong Wen School, the last time that all of us will be like so all in this together in the old HONG WEN SCHOOL. I really wanna cry, but I can't, because something invisible (again) stopped me. Or should I say that I don't have the urge~~ I wonder if Mdm Choong is ever going to cry tomorrow, maybe not for WE ROCK, in contrast, she should be so contented that she weeps while being impressed and touched by our effort.


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