Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Sometimes, I think that my maid, Wiwi, is supersititious. Yes, yes, yes, very funny. Her name,wiwi, not what you think as "Wee Wee", those business. NO! Stop laughing at her, okay?? If only I didn't show her name...Image But it's ok, we just pretend that Wiwi is not her name, is that all right?? Or, some of you might not laugh at her name. Some laugh, some don't laugh, how am I going to decide?? Just, ju-st Wiwi, okay?? It's her personal name, stop that giggling! It proves that she's special, so her name is called Wiwi. Nobody is going to laugh at her.

All right, how supersititious she is, she is really, very, extremely, supersititious. Some of you might not think she is supersititious after my story, you might think it really happened, but you better demonstrates it to me as I don't know, so I don't believe.

It started like this, just an hour ago, before I went for shower, I told my sister that I was going to wear Mummy's pyjamas for sleeping as Mum told me to do so."NO! Stop!"My sister exclaimed. I asked suspiciously,"Why?""Wiwi said that if you wear your parents' clothes, in the future, your child or children will hate you very much!"She explained."Clothes??I had wore Mummy's clothes before."I demanded. She corrected her mistake,"No, pyjamas! Wiwi said only pyjamas!" In that case, I decided not to wear my mum's pyjamas, not because that I believe Wiwi's words or I don't believe her words. It's because no one can certificate it, so... If I wore, what if it really happened?
So, to those who believe that, please manifest it to me! I would like to thank you very much if you did prove it! Image

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