Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Monday, November 19, 2007


As you see, I've created another divider at the side, heading, 'Latest Skin'. Well, I've been blogskinning lately. I've been hoping for a SOTD for that skin but too bad, actually before today's SOTD was announced, I already know that I can't get SOTD. It's because that there's two recent SOTD skinner who have updated a skin on the same day as the skin I've been working recently. I've faved one of the skins of these two blogskinners which is that one by thatphobia. Well, today's skin of the day goes to my favest blogskinner's skin, fish_fries' skin. I'm not sad about it, I'm feeling happy for her! Congratualation, my favest! :D

If you had read my wishlist where the header is, 'Wanted', I've one wish about a surprise for my 1-year-old bloggie. And actually what I've been working lately on is the surprise! Have a look at my latest skin and comment on it~ Sometimes when I looked at it, it seems really pretty but sometimes I'd thought that it's quite noob. Nonetheless, I still like that skin and if sometimes later, I'd like that skin more than this skin, "Speechless", if I like my latest skin more than this Speechless skin, I'll change it to that skin I made. IF.

There's 11 people faving my latest skin currently.. I hope that this skin will break the record of the skin in my old account, 'My World' which has 18 people faving currently.

Heys the holidays homeworks are so I'm not going to do them.. They are so not my taste! Those homeworks are only from Chinese and Maths.. I want English and Science homeworks! :(

Oh and I forgot.. the surprise- http://www.blogskins.com/info/166531
It's the present for my bloggie!
The birthday gift!
"Bloggie, you're 1-year-old! You must learn how to walk and talk! :D"
"Yes, mother. Thank You, mother!" is what she meant when she replied with a cry.

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