Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Saturday, January 12, 2008

learn-ed the moral

The moral of the story is... you will only succeed if you enjoy the 'drill'.
What I mean is, success only comes for people who enjoy doing that particular thing, and not forcing him or herself to do this something. I've learned this today, only by TODAY! I say- You only made yourself useful to this world if you enjoyed everything, force is useless.

How I'd learn this?

Sorry for this negatively screenshot, but this is the only example I can find. Guess what happened? Whatever related to audition moral-ed me? Okay, I admit that this mightn't be really that ethical for a moral. However, read my sentence again, I stated a 'really' there, so? It makes negative things to turn out to be positive as well, although, you may say, as many percentage as you can, but it still have a 0.000000000000000000000000000001% of good in it, doesn't it? It's not completely negative, I tell you.

Okayx, I've talked too much, I should go back to the question, whatever related to audition moral-ed me? Look carefully in the image, doesn't it look?? Well, I got my new record, -combo- 11. How did I do it? For those who wants to break your personal whatever record, I tell you - force won't succeed. That's it. I didn't force myself to break the record. I just press the spacebar with feasts, I didn't force, I didn't force myself to press the spacebar so hard that I almost hated myself for the pain I'd caused. So, the concludsion is- if all of you wants breaking anything, whatever your record is, you wanna break it, force won't help it ;)

I've another negative screenshot...

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