Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Having these stale papayas now, YIKES!
New patch was drew for Audition! Coool man! I am agitated with it!! D:

Today's oral is hunky-dory. I've heaps of things to improve on! Mr Kok who is my oral examiner for English told me three major points I've to improve on:
1. Eye contact
2. 5Wh and 1H
3. Darn! It ran away from my mind.
I can't remember this very important point, it just slipped off my mind D: COME BACK!


I am pretty obsessed in reading newspaper nowdays! 看报纸像是改变了我的生活!还有呀,从今起,我每天都会读弟子规里的一小段,拼且读一片英语文章,你们说我这么做是否给自己太多东西做呢?

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