Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I know I am repeating this all over AGAIN, but I just have to repeat. Apologise if you feel really annoyed, I just can't plop this thing. REALLY CAN'T. I know I can, but in some ways, it is only for temporary, all the while, it will bounce back. I don't wanna be like that last year P6 sports day race again, I really inculpate a lot of people, I mean as in not so serious lah, but I felt really guilty, is like everyone's just hated me after that. I guessed maybe I won't nose into the parking lot, you people probably are smart enough to know what this' is. And too, I don't wanna be another criminal again to be complained as 'long and annoying post' or whatsoever negative comments about my entry.

You people would eventually tell me things like are you emotional or 'get over it nelly'. YES. Get over it. I am doing what so. But inside, I am not comfortable at all.

Okay. I shall look in the positive way. I am already trying my best. When I look at those 'stuff', I tend to feel edgy and agitated which definates me that I am trying my best. Moreover, it's them who invited me, who obliged me, I accepted it in that of a merciful way.

HAIYA. It's no use. Negative things just detonate back into my mind. Mum says, it okay to err, eventually I will get up. It's like so interdependent listening to this, it's like depending on this statement, I shan't be afraid, which makes me more shaken.

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