Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Green House Runners

Oh my! Oh my gosh!! Oh no!!! I don't want!!!! I don't want!!!! :crying:

But hor... Actually what happened was that I am one of the runners for the baton race of the P6 girls(fromhttp://www.hongwen.org/hws/pe/greenhouse/GreenHouseRunners2007.htm) representing my house,not really runners lah, RESERVE! YAY! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! So,maybe, I won't be able to get to run! But there's still 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001% that I might be running... I should have run slower... Then I won't be able to run, haiz....

What should I do then?? Just sigh?? Or say,"Mr Dass, I run very slow, please don't choose me as one of the runners!" to Mr Dass??? I think, the best way is just my luck, dependng on my luck. Please, all those green house runners in that baton race, if you know me, I'm reserve for the P6 girls baton race of the green house, please, I beg you, to be present on that day and not to be sick. Please!!!!!

I only ran for the distance, I mean when the teachers were getting to know what's our speed, I didn't go and run in the P6 distance but P5. They just help me to add one second of the time I ran for the P5 distance. If I'm testing my speed in the P6 distance, I'll surely not going to be one of the runners for green house. To know my speed go tohttp://www.hongwen.org/hws/pe/greenhouse/P6GreenHouseGirlsTimings.htm

I just hope that, those green house girls running in the baton race of the P6 level to come and participate in the race and be as healthy as they can. I don't want to run! Hated to run! I mean hated sport!

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