Hi blog!!
Guess what? I had just enjoyed myself with my mom, sisters and maid with the event, 'Shop The Day'. I mean that I named it myself, it's not really an event, it's just that we had been in the shopping mall for the whole entire day today! We had gone to the mall at 11 and came back home at 8. 123456789! We had been hanging in the mall for nine hours! We had been there that early was because that my mom said that there's a Chinese restaurant that served wonderful food and that this restaurant will be full if we don't hurry. So, we were in the mall, the mall's called... with a word, 'wisma', it's in orchard. So, we were in the mall by eleven, just as that restaurant opened. I mean that we were there around 10.50, not really 11. While waiting for that restaurant to open at 11, we went to a shop that sells clothes and that the song that this shop was playing by then was a familiar song... I think of the name of that song... BINGO! I'm with you by Avril Lavigne! Love that song! Especially the part, isn't anyone trying to find me? won't somebody come take me home...it's a DAMN cold night.... nice song!
Okay, by 11, we went to that restaurant and that the food there was wonderful! They didn't make the food first and then when we wanted to have that food, they just give us the food they cooked earlier. They cooked, in a way which is called in Chinese... I just know it in Cantonese, which sound like this, je giu je ju. mm... especially the xiao long bao! The juice in the bao is so tasty. Yum.
After that, I think we had some shoppings. And had entered to another shop with a familiar song again... it's by Avril Lavigne again... in the let go album again... it's the song, complicated.
Then, we went to another shopping mall where my youngest sister went playing in a playground with other kids and my other sister went shopping with my mom in the sporty shops. My maid and I looked after my youngest sister while she was playing. My sister came to the playground when my mother had bought her a badminton racket, in Chinese, Ming Pei Huo. She showed that off. It's time for her to look after my youngest sister and I went shopping with my mom. My mom bought me a pencil case which I love it very much, with colours that I love. THANKS, mom!
It's about 15.00 by then and my sisters started to complain about their hunger... We had just had our lunch at 11 and they were hungry by then? So so so, we went back to the wisma shopping mall again and have diner at the highest level which lots of little food shops were there. While walking to that mall, we saw some weird things happening in the streets. It was that two woman painted in silver, each holding a bird were there. One of them was standing and the other was sitting. When somebody put money into the box that they provided, they would bend their head down as if they were greeting and thanking to the somebody and the bird on their hands would move their wings. It's strange that they never smile when money was put in the box.
Okay, my sister was asleep while we were having, quite a 'diner'. We had to wait for her to wake up to have her, 'diner' before leaving. We waited and waited... When it's about 18.00, then she was awake. She had her 'diner' and then before leaving there, my mom did some shoppings again...
Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
First holiday chinese orchestra practice.
Dear my blog,
I had just had the very first Chinese orchestra holiday practice, or holiday Chinese orchestra practice?? Please help me figure this out, really getting puzzled with these things. Okay, just tell you that I'm having school holidays now, you should have already know that, it's JUNE holiday. If only that I had been in Hong Kong now, spending my precious time with my cousins, then I won't be spending my precious time at my CCA, Chinese orchestra. I mean that, spending my time with my cousins will be worthier than spending my time at Chinese Orchestra. Don't you know that? I'm really missing my cousins! And my grandparents! And my aunties! Uncles! I missed my grandmother's spaghetti! Her dumplings! All the food she cooks! Delicious!...
Okay, tell you what about today's practice. I think it's really a waste of time today at this thing, Chinese Orchestra! I got up today in the morning about 7.30am and did all the morning things (e.g, brushing teeth, having breakfast). I got to school with my sister whose also having the same CCA as I was having. I took my instrument out and got to my seat, not really my instrument but mostly I played it, it belongs to the school who bought it. The whole orchestra played those two songs which were the only two songs that those new teachers had told us to practice, we played and played. Just then, Mr. Ngoh came, whose the principal of the school. He came to speak with us about those new things that the Chinese Orchestra had changed. He said that he knew perhaps, we were not fixed to changes, to big changes, yeah, I'm really not used to changes like that. He said that he felt sorry to have change instructors, but that's the only way to have the standard higher. He said many other things like the changes can have actually improve the standard, like he does not like those old things that had been changed by new things. After that, a 10 minutes break came to us. Yay! Love breaks! I love breaking! (Not the other meaning.) I love breaks although maybe if my sister wasn't here, I won't be having someone to hang out with, it's just a time when I could go somewhere else rather than that room of Chinese Orchestra. I hang out with my sister and that the thing we did. Only hang. Wasted time.
We had some practice again on those two songs and then a break came to us again. This break was a break for us to have lunch!! Yum... Love the lunch provided today! It's much more better than those previous ones, having chicken rice and those rice with so many meats, without any greens at all. This one is better, much much better, with vegetables, I love that vegetables. Something about it tastes nice.
After lunch, that's when all the beginners of Chinese Orchestra came, my apprentice arrived. There should be two disciples but one came, maybe the other had gone oversea. I just wished to tell her to have never joined Chinese Orchestra, to warn her how she will suffer in the future, but it's too late, she had already joined and no quitting is allowed. If only there's quittings, then I would quit the moment someone announced of the allowance of quitting! I taught her many things! And so did I taught the other one in the last last practice which this one was absent that day, no idea why she was absent that day. I'm not like those irresponsible guys who didn't teach their own acolyte. These people had gone up to the hall to help Mr. Lim something. How they were irresponsible was that, one of them should teach the acolyte that the teachers had arranged for him, but he just didn't care about his disciple, so, I taught that pupil.
While they were up there, I taught my disciple a lot of things but she seemed like not interested at all, totally different from the other girl, she said she wanted rests and breaks. Yeah, we really had rested, we played each other's handphone. However, was caught up by Miss Guo. Oh yeah, forgotten to tell you something, blog, we had actually had such a free time was because of that our teacher wasn't here. Teachers kept holding their phones in hands so urgently with so much sweatings and worries on their faces. I was so relieved to have no teachers teaching us at first, but then teachers came to us and told us, "Your teacher was sicked today. We will ask for a relief teacher."
Then, there he came, that relief guy again. He wasn't like relief anymore, because that our formal teacher only came once and this teacher had came almost every saturdays which we had our practices and a day in this holiday. Those guys gone up the hall came back by then. This teacher's quite proud. He taught us 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars' like we are idiots. We were supposed to have that song practiced which was our SYF song for next year's SYF. He taught us so much beginner things. Things he taught were all totally different from the official teacher's taughts. Confused of listening to which teacher. But I'm still like not-listening-to-the-relief-teacher. I mean, like thinking that he had such a proud feeling like he was very good but we were just the opposite as he was. He'd only taught us the song he was supposed to teach which is that SYF song 15 minutes before the time end of the practice today. He played that so fast like he's very good at that. :shakinghead:
When packing the instrument before going home with my sister, I asked my other kind of classmates, just the kind of the Chinese Orchestra to be whether to take the instrument home, which the instructor of the whole Chinese Orchestra group had commanded us to do so and yet they just said don't care. So, I didn't bring my instrument home. Light ride back home! =]
I had just had the very first Chinese orchestra holiday practice, or holiday Chinese orchestra practice?? Please help me figure this out, really getting puzzled with these things. Okay, just tell you that I'm having school holidays now, you should have already know that, it's JUNE holiday. If only that I had been in Hong Kong now, spending my precious time with my cousins, then I won't be spending my precious time at my CCA, Chinese orchestra. I mean that, spending my time with my cousins will be worthier than spending my time at Chinese Orchestra. Don't you know that? I'm really missing my cousins! And my grandparents! And my aunties! Uncles! I missed my grandmother's spaghetti! Her dumplings! All the food she cooks! Delicious!...
Okay, tell you what about today's practice. I think it's really a waste of time today at this thing, Chinese Orchestra! I got up today in the morning about 7.30am and did all the morning things (e.g, brushing teeth, having breakfast). I got to school with my sister whose also having the same CCA as I was having. I took my instrument out and got to my seat, not really my instrument but mostly I played it, it belongs to the school who bought it. The whole orchestra played those two songs which were the only two songs that those new teachers had told us to practice, we played and played. Just then, Mr. Ngoh came, whose the principal of the school. He came to speak with us about those new things that the Chinese Orchestra had changed. He said that he knew perhaps, we were not fixed to changes, to big changes, yeah, I'm really not used to changes like that. He said that he felt sorry to have change instructors, but that's the only way to have the standard higher. He said many other things like the changes can have actually improve the standard, like he does not like those old things that had been changed by new things. After that, a 10 minutes break came to us. Yay! Love breaks! I love breaking! (Not the other meaning.) I love breaks although maybe if my sister wasn't here, I won't be having someone to hang out with, it's just a time when I could go somewhere else rather than that room of Chinese Orchestra. I hang out with my sister and that the thing we did. Only hang. Wasted time.
We had some practice again on those two songs and then a break came to us again. This break was a break for us to have lunch!! Yum... Love the lunch provided today! It's much more better than those previous ones, having chicken rice and those rice with so many meats, without any greens at all. This one is better, much much better, with vegetables, I love that vegetables. Something about it tastes nice.
After lunch, that's when all the beginners of Chinese Orchestra came, my apprentice arrived. There should be two disciples but one came, maybe the other had gone oversea. I just wished to tell her to have never joined Chinese Orchestra, to warn her how she will suffer in the future, but it's too late, she had already joined and no quitting is allowed. If only there's quittings, then I would quit the moment someone announced of the allowance of quitting! I taught her many things! And so did I taught the other one in the last last practice which this one was absent that day, no idea why she was absent that day. I'm not like those irresponsible guys who didn't teach their own acolyte. These people had gone up to the hall to help Mr. Lim something. How they were irresponsible was that, one of them should teach the acolyte that the teachers had arranged for him, but he just didn't care about his disciple, so, I taught that pupil.
While they were up there, I taught my disciple a lot of things but she seemed like not interested at all, totally different from the other girl, she said she wanted rests and breaks. Yeah, we really had rested, we played each other's handphone. However, was caught up by Miss Guo. Oh yeah, forgotten to tell you something, blog, we had actually had such a free time was because of that our teacher wasn't here. Teachers kept holding their phones in hands so urgently with so much sweatings and worries on their faces. I was so relieved to have no teachers teaching us at first, but then teachers came to us and told us, "Your teacher was sicked today. We will ask for a relief teacher."
Then, there he came, that relief guy again. He wasn't like relief anymore, because that our formal teacher only came once and this teacher had came almost every saturdays which we had our practices and a day in this holiday. Those guys gone up the hall came back by then. This teacher's quite proud. He taught us 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars' like we are idiots. We were supposed to have that song practiced which was our SYF song for next year's SYF. He taught us so much beginner things. Things he taught were all totally different from the official teacher's taughts. Confused of listening to which teacher. But I'm still like not-listening-to-the-relief-teacher. I mean, like thinking that he had such a proud feeling like he was very good but we were just the opposite as he was. He'd only taught us the song he was supposed to teach which is that SYF song 15 minutes before the time end of the practice today. He played that so fast like he's very good at that. :shakinghead:
When packing the instrument before going home with my sister, I asked my other kind of classmates, just the kind of the Chinese Orchestra to be whether to take the instrument home, which the instructor of the whole Chinese Orchestra group had commanded us to do so and yet they just said don't care. So, I didn't bring my instrument home. Light ride back home! =]
Monday, May 28, 2007
I had my wonderful day today spending the wonderful time in Sentosa with my mother, sisters and my maid. We went there by taxi. At first, when my mother waved a hand into the road to catch a taxi, a taxi came to us and the driver in the taxi asked us where we were going, we spoke to that driver, "Sentosa" And he just drove away. My mother did the same action again and a taxi came with the driver who spoke to us,"So many people, cannot." I said, pointing to my youngest sister, "She's just a baby." And my other family members also said this and that of my sister and I are children and my babysister's a baby and... The taxi driver just said,"Okay okay." Then we got in the taxi and went to Sentosa. While I was riding on the taxi, I felt like having a headache and wanted to go home and have a sleep, feeling so tired.
When we reached Sentosa, the driver asked us, "Where do you want to go?" All of us spoke at the same time, "The Beach." He asked, "Which beach?" Silence came, no one said anything. I broke the silence, "Any of the beach." He drove us to the beach which is the nearest from the the place that I answered his question and which this beach is called the Siloso Beach. My mother said, "This Beach is quite different from the one we went two years ago." And my sister said, "Yeah, this beach is called the Siloso Beach..." and I continued her words, "And the beach we went two years ago is called the Palawan Beach." We all giggled of me continuing her words. =) We reached the sandy beach and my sisters and I started unpacking up the things for building sandcastles. I took a pink plastic shovel and started the work with my sisters. I got up,getting boring of building sandcastles and joined my mother and my maid of having lunch.
After a while, when we all finished having lunch, about the time, 12, my sister suggested to have a ride on the Sky ride which we had seen people playing with it in the television. We walked to that area which is not far away from the Siloso beach and finally reached. I love the ride! Especially the part when that bench was sliding down before the part where it climbed up. Get it? The part where the string, that rope that was holding the bench, sliding down. I was having so much fun! When I looked down from where I was sitting, which I was sitting on the bench with my mother, with the rope hanging on, holding our weight, moving, when I looked down with nothing around, only the bench and the rope, it felt so scary! Everytime I looked down, I felt that my sandals which I was wearing were going to fall. So, next time when we wanted to go Sentosa to play this game again, I'm never ever going to wear sandals, that make me felt so... In a way like I was going to fall.


After that, we had ice-creams! My mother bought ice-creams for us. I had a vanilla ice-cream on a cone. I had been always having the ice-cream which is flavoured vanilla whenever my parents wanted to buy ice-cream for me, I had been always choosing the ice-cream flavoured vanilla. I love vanilla so much!
We got on a purple cable car while leaving Sentosa. Purplish!
Nice trip on Sentosa! =]
When we reached Sentosa, the driver asked us, "Where do you want to go?" All of us spoke at the same time, "The Beach." He asked, "Which beach?" Silence came, no one said anything. I broke the silence, "Any of the beach." He drove us to the beach which is the nearest from the the place that I answered his question and which this beach is called the Siloso Beach. My mother said, "This Beach is quite different from the one we went two years ago." And my sister said, "Yeah, this beach is called the Siloso Beach..." and I continued her words, "And the beach we went two years ago is called the Palawan Beach." We all giggled of me continuing her words. =) We reached the sandy beach and my sisters and I started unpacking up the things for building sandcastles. I took a pink plastic shovel and started the work with my sisters. I got up,getting boring of building sandcastles and joined my mother and my maid of having lunch.
After a while, when we all finished having lunch, about the time, 12, my sister suggested to have a ride on the Sky ride which we had seen people playing with it in the television. We walked to that area which is not far away from the Siloso beach and finally reached. I love the ride! Especially the part when that bench was sliding down before the part where it climbed up. Get it? The part where the string, that rope that was holding the bench, sliding down. I was having so much fun! When I looked down from where I was sitting, which I was sitting on the bench with my mother, with the rope hanging on, holding our weight, moving, when I looked down with nothing around, only the bench and the rope, it felt so scary! Everytime I looked down, I felt that my sandals which I was wearing were going to fall. So, next time when we wanted to go Sentosa to play this game again, I'm never ever going to wear sandals, that make me felt so... In a way like I was going to fall.
On the ride...

The back view on the ride...
The back view on the ride...
Right view on the ride.
After that, we had ice-creams! My mother bought ice-creams for us. I had a vanilla ice-cream on a cone. I had been always having the ice-cream which is flavoured vanilla whenever my parents wanted to buy ice-cream for me, I had been always choosing the ice-cream flavoured vanilla. I love vanilla so much!
We got on a purple cable car while leaving Sentosa. Purplish!
Nice trip on Sentosa! =]
Friday, May 25, 2007
Big Big Thing Happened
Wow Wow Wow! 5 minutes ago, there's a big big thing that had happened... My maid went to the room where we all slept and then, pressed on the button to on the light in that room. SUDDENLY, EVERY LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM WENT OFF! We quickly moved to find the torch and yet the batteries in that torch weren't working, luckily, there's my help, I removed the batteries which weren't working to the new batteries which works as fast as I could and the torch shone! We checked for the reason that had caused this to happened and found out that it's actually the light my maid was going to on had... what's the correct word for describing this... I think it's somehow like the electricity had burst.. some kind of words similiar to burst, crack, explode... somehow, boil could also be similiar to this word... it's like burst out... My maid stood up on a chair and tried to reach for that lightbulb of that lamp that had been burst out. She removed the lightbulb that had burst and tried to on the button where it's in that thing that control all the electricity in our house and which it had automatically switched to the opposite site just when my maid switched the light button in the sleeping room on just now. Yay! Sucessed! We did this without any helps from our neighbours! Great Job! And my daddy isn't here at all, he had gone to work, without my dad's help, we can solve problems like that either! I can't believe it.
Oh yes. Yesterday's pinkie swear. I had within an inch of forgetting to post about the Parents' Meeting Day. Today, Mrs Tan isn't the one who talk to my father of how I was in class and all those results things, it was Miss Koh who talked to my dad about that. Oh, maybe some of you might be confused of the real form teacher that our class should have. Okay, I will tell you. The official form teacher of my class, 5P is Miss Koh but it is that Miss Koh had to go to the hall to meet her pupils from the chinese class that she taught after 9am and that I had gone to school with my dad at 8am. So, after 9am, Mrs Tan will be kind of a 'relief' teacher to meet and discuss with parents about things of their child. And it's actually that Mrs Tan is mostly the one that had always meet with my class, meaning that Miss Koh had only stepped into our classroom for 3days, she will be seeing us in only 3 days from the regular time table and that Mrs Tan will see us everyday in school, that's what I meant. Okay tell you all my results as following:
English Language
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 48%
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 55.5
Mark (40%): 53.6
Achiev't Band: 3
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 83.5
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 84.5
Mark (40%): 84.3
Achiev't Band: 2
Higher Chinese
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 73.0
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 86.0
Mark (40%): 82.8
Achiev't Band: 2
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 90.0
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 73.0
Mark (40%): 77.3
Achiev't Band: 2
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 69.5
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 78.0
Mark (40%): 75.9
Achiev't Band: 2
Arts And Crafts: A
Health Education: B
Music: A
Physical Education: A
Social Studies: B
Civics & Moral Education: A
Attendance: 93/93
Conduct: Excellent
Total: 291.1/400
Percentage: 72.8
I'm really disappointed with my results... Compared to last year's first semester's examination results, all my subjects deprove except for Science which has a comparison of a distance,5.4 marks.
My father expect me to get 291.1 for PSLE next year appoint 300 which this 291.1 was the total marks I get as you can see. Everyone will certainly be feeling impossible and so do I. My target is just to get higher than 250 or 240. That's fine. Lower a bit like two hundred and thirty something, that's fine with me too but I don't think it's fine for my dad.
Oh... I had with an ace of forgetting something again... Today's shower joke was very funny. After I had my shower, I wanted to hang the towel I had just used on that bamboo stick up there hanging just a little lower than the ceiling to have that towel use tomorrow during shower again, but just as I wanted to put the towel on that stick where you have the towel on it and then you lift that stick higher and higher to make it easy for you to hang the towel on the bamboo stick up there, just when that happened, the towel dropped... and I thought it had dropped on the floor but instead of that... the towel had dropped into that THING... that so called 'container' which my babysister used for doing her business.... VERY FUNNY.
Oh yes. Yesterday's pinkie swear. I had within an inch of forgetting to post about the Parents' Meeting Day. Today, Mrs Tan isn't the one who talk to my father of how I was in class and all those results things, it was Miss Koh who talked to my dad about that. Oh, maybe some of you might be confused of the real form teacher that our class should have. Okay, I will tell you. The official form teacher of my class, 5P is Miss Koh but it is that Miss Koh had to go to the hall to meet her pupils from the chinese class that she taught after 9am and that I had gone to school with my dad at 8am. So, after 9am, Mrs Tan will be kind of a 'relief' teacher to meet and discuss with parents about things of their child. And it's actually that Mrs Tan is mostly the one that had always meet with my class, meaning that Miss Koh had only stepped into our classroom for 3days, she will be seeing us in only 3 days from the regular time table and that Mrs Tan will see us everyday in school, that's what I meant. Okay tell you all my results as following:
English Language
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 48%
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 55.5
Mark (40%): 53.6
Achiev't Band: 3
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 83.5
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 84.5
Mark (40%): 84.3
Achiev't Band: 2
Higher Chinese
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 73.0
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 86.0
Mark (40%): 82.8
Achiev't Band: 2
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 90.0
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 73.0
Mark (40%): 77.3
Achiev't Band: 2
1st Cont. Assess't (10%): 69.5
1st Sem. Assess't (30%): 78.0
Mark (40%): 75.9
Achiev't Band: 2
Arts And Crafts: A
Health Education: B
Music: A
Physical Education: A
Social Studies: B
Civics & Moral Education: A
Attendance: 93/93
Conduct: Excellent
Total: 291.1/400
Percentage: 72.8
I'm really disappointed with my results... Compared to last year's first semester's examination results, all my subjects deprove except for Science which has a comparison of a distance,5.4 marks.
My father expect me to get 291.1 for PSLE next year appoint 300 which this 291.1 was the total marks I get as you can see. Everyone will certainly be feeling impossible and so do I. My target is just to get higher than 250 or 240. That's fine. Lower a bit like two hundred and thirty something, that's fine with me too but I don't think it's fine for my dad.
Oh... I had with an ace of forgetting something again... Today's shower joke was very funny. After I had my shower, I wanted to hang the towel I had just used on that bamboo stick up there hanging just a little lower than the ceiling to have that towel use tomorrow during shower again, but just as I wanted to put the towel on that stick where you have the towel on it and then you lift that stick higher and higher to make it easy for you to hang the towel on the bamboo stick up there, just when that happened, the towel dropped... and I thought it had dropped on the floor but instead of that... the towel had dropped into that THING... that so called 'container' which my babysister used for doing her business.... VERY FUNNY.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Big event happened... of course happening today!!! =]
Yeah!!!! Today's the last day of school, I meant that, last day of semester one and which the first holiday is stepping toward me now!!! But I still have to go to school tomorrow with my daddy of the Parents meeting day... will tell you more of it tomorrow! =]
Sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday on blog, that's because that I had a lots of things to do, HOMEWORKS! I'd got to do the powerpoint for the Young Innovators Programme, Maths Olympiad Last Year Paper, NE album... I'd to do these things last night and I spent the whole night doing it, I'd only finished them by 12, midnight!!! I'd start doing it at about... 9. Although that Jolynn and I had done the powerpoint slide, we didn't give the disket or what so ever it's called to Miss Tan today during her lesson. The reason was that we don't think that we were prepared and that we don't think that's our idea's good enough. What I mean of the 'Good Enough' was that... kind of stupid... I mean... I mean that I don't think it's good. Total 5 stars, I will only give 1.5 or even 1, it's because that this idea we thought of is quite incovenient although Young Innovators Programme is meant to increase convenience.. We will try to have better ideas, others' project are all so nice and creative and brilliant...
Okay, back to the main topic. The big event that happened today was... that some people, people from my class, think that Daphne stole something from Kwan Yang. It happened like this, during the recess time, which Miss Tan was in our classroom since the lesson before recess is hers, and that she needed to have something for some of us here to do. Some of us, mostly girls, got to change our uniform to PE since there's photo taking for the class before that and there's PE after that. We had gone to the washroom and change the clothings. I think it's when I was changing, Daphne got to Kwan Yang's table and got something that I think it's a book , a Mr Midnight book and that Yi Hui was the only person in our class that witnessed her doing that. I think she's the only person who had witnessed Daphne. Then, after recess, after PE, I had no idea how the fight had started. Kwan Yang saw Daphne reading the book that he lost after recess which is that Mr Midnight book. Then, Kwan Yang asked Daphne if that book belongs to hers and I think she admitted that she had borrowed that book from the library two days ago, when our class had visited that library to watch the show, Alice In Wonderland. Some people don't believe Daphne's words and some do. Like me, I had no idea whether to convince Daphne. Okay, then Cui Ying asked her for the receipt which she should have if she had borrowed the book. Daphne just said that she had lost it. Do you think that Daphne was telling a lie? Or the truth? Or was it that Kwan Yang was making up stories? Or is it that Yi Hui had told a humbug that she had witnessed her doing that? Or?? What's the truth? Or is it Dangerous To Know the truth? Maybe sometimes the truth will save none of us... Just like one of the songs sang by Hilary Duff, Dangerous To Know... hehe...
Another big thing, I mean kind of medium, was that we had our class party today! It's not quite a class party but I love it! Mrs Tan showed us a movie which all of us love it so much! This movie is about Spelling Bee and it's kind of funny, not only those 'schoolys' . And while we were watching it, we had potato chips! And some biscuits. All those snacks. They were so nice! They were all brought by our fellow classmates! But I didn't bring anything for the class party... hehe... Yummy...
Let's have a promise that I will be blogging tomorrow about the Parents' Meeting Day!! Let's have a pinkie swear! =]]
Sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday on blog, that's because that I had a lots of things to do, HOMEWORKS! I'd got to do the powerpoint for the Young Innovators Programme, Maths Olympiad Last Year Paper, NE album... I'd to do these things last night and I spent the whole night doing it, I'd only finished them by 12, midnight!!! I'd start doing it at about... 9. Although that Jolynn and I had done the powerpoint slide, we didn't give the disket or what so ever it's called to Miss Tan today during her lesson. The reason was that we don't think that we were prepared and that we don't think that's our idea's good enough. What I mean of the 'Good Enough' was that... kind of stupid... I mean... I mean that I don't think it's good. Total 5 stars, I will only give 1.5 or even 1, it's because that this idea we thought of is quite incovenient although Young Innovators Programme is meant to increase convenience.. We will try to have better ideas, others' project are all so nice and creative and brilliant...
Okay, back to the main topic. The big event that happened today was... that some people, people from my class, think that Daphne stole something from Kwan Yang. It happened like this, during the recess time, which Miss Tan was in our classroom since the lesson before recess is hers, and that she needed to have something for some of us here to do. Some of us, mostly girls, got to change our uniform to PE since there's photo taking for the class before that and there's PE after that. We had gone to the washroom and change the clothings. I think it's when I was changing, Daphne got to Kwan Yang's table and got something that I think it's a book , a Mr Midnight book and that Yi Hui was the only person in our class that witnessed her doing that. I think she's the only person who had witnessed Daphne. Then, after recess, after PE, I had no idea how the fight had started. Kwan Yang saw Daphne reading the book that he lost after recess which is that Mr Midnight book. Then, Kwan Yang asked Daphne if that book belongs to hers and I think she admitted that she had borrowed that book from the library two days ago, when our class had visited that library to watch the show, Alice In Wonderland. Some people don't believe Daphne's words and some do. Like me, I had no idea whether to convince Daphne. Okay, then Cui Ying asked her for the receipt which she should have if she had borrowed the book. Daphne just said that she had lost it. Do you think that Daphne was telling a lie? Or the truth? Or was it that Kwan Yang was making up stories? Or is it that Yi Hui had told a humbug that she had witnessed her doing that? Or?? What's the truth? Or is it Dangerous To Know the truth? Maybe sometimes the truth will save none of us... Just like one of the songs sang by Hilary Duff, Dangerous To Know... hehe...
Another big thing, I mean kind of medium, was that we had our class party today! It's not quite a class party but I love it! Mrs Tan showed us a movie which all of us love it so much! This movie is about Spelling Bee and it's kind of funny, not only those 'schoolys' . And while we were watching it, we had potato chips! And some biscuits. All those snacks. They were so nice! They were all brought by our fellow classmates! But I didn't bring anything for the class party... hehe... Yummy...
Let's have a promise that I will be blogging tomorrow about the Parents' Meeting Day!! Let's have a pinkie swear! =]]
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Today
A day again... At least the title put up there is not that familiar. There's a 'The' before that familiar title.
I had just had a shower. The joke today about shower was not about what it was two days ago.[It should be two nights ago.. or what?] It was that I actually switched the hot water button on and yet I switched it off again... It's of the hot weather that made me switched it off. And yet, last time, I usually kind of forget to switch that button on and now, it's the opposite way. It's quite a joke. Or you may call any other kind of names you like to.
Today... I had gone to the Tampines Library with my class, 5L, 5D and 5C, for watching a show called 'Alice In Wondeland' The story in this show is almost the same as the original one but it had just added on some new ideas by the director. They had creative ideas to put on in the show. For example, when the butterfly shook its wings, bubbles in that bubbles machine which was hide under the wings shown, so nice to have colourful bubbles like that. They had funny acts too. Like that babysitter, whom had no idea how to make the baby sleep, whom had Alice's help to put the baby to sleep. Alice sang a sweet song which put that baby to sleep, however, the babysitter can't control her own mouth and talked so loudly, and yet, Alice stopped her many times to talk in that way and warned her many times to talk softly, she still shouted, "The baby's sleeping!' at the end. Like it was so exceptional to have the baby aslept. So funny! She shouted in a super funny way! HAHA! And there's many other things that were special and exceptional. Like how they had us, the audience to join in the show. Andd... lots of other things...
Today, my father's friend whose that NTUC guy again gave my father a list of Singapore Secondary Schools at East side and in Take mark. The list shown Area of the school, the location of the school, the name of the school and the 2006 intake required marks. That friend is so totally nice and kind! Andd... I had highlighted some of them which I think were suitable for me. I didn't only check the required marks but the CCA which the school has too. Too bad,I can't go neither Tanjong Katong Girls' Sec School nor Tanjong Katong Sec. School and the reason is all because of my CCA, Chinese Orchestra. These schools don't have Chinese Orchestra as one of their CCAs... But if I weren't in that CCA which I am now at, Chinese Orchestra and yet others which those schools have, I would certainly choose either one of those schools as the secondary school I am going to attend in 2009. The schools that were suitable for me were as following: Duman High, Chung Cheng High School, Ngee Ann Sec. School, Temasek Sec School and Anglican High. My family had planned to have a house in the east side when my sister and I are attending Secondary Schools as secondary schools there are more... what can I type of the suitable word? EDUCATED?? EHHS... MAYBE...
I think tomorrow's my big day... I have to mark attendance tomorrow and do all the things the monitor should be doing... As this monitor is leaving tomorrow, going overseas... I'm getting nervous... hehe... I will surely be waving to Yi Xuan while marking attendance as that's what she had ordered me to do... she commanded me to do that so. Evil... Of course not, hehe, just kidding. We just had a promise to wave to each other.
And... I had no idea why my leg felt so pain again... Just like the pain I had after the sports day which I had posted it on blog of the pain. Everytime I bent my leg, the pain came... Ouch!
The today I had today was like this. Get it? Ask me anything you don't understand about today in the tagboard. Or no one is going to help you.
I had just had a shower. The joke today about shower was not about what it was two days ago.[It should be two nights ago.. or what?] It was that I actually switched the hot water button on and yet I switched it off again... It's of the hot weather that made me switched it off. And yet, last time, I usually kind of forget to switch that button on and now, it's the opposite way. It's quite a joke. Or you may call any other kind of names you like to.
Today... I had gone to the Tampines Library with my class, 5L, 5D and 5C, for watching a show called 'Alice In Wondeland' The story in this show is almost the same as the original one but it had just added on some new ideas by the director. They had creative ideas to put on in the show. For example, when the butterfly shook its wings, bubbles in that bubbles machine which was hide under the wings shown, so nice to have colourful bubbles like that. They had funny acts too. Like that babysitter, whom had no idea how to make the baby sleep, whom had Alice's help to put the baby to sleep. Alice sang a sweet song which put that baby to sleep, however, the babysitter can't control her own mouth and talked so loudly, and yet, Alice stopped her many times to talk in that way and warned her many times to talk softly, she still shouted, "The baby's sleeping!' at the end. Like it was so exceptional to have the baby aslept. So funny! She shouted in a super funny way! HAHA! And there's many other things that were special and exceptional. Like how they had us, the audience to join in the show. Andd... lots of other things...
Today, my father's friend whose that NTUC guy again gave my father a list of Singapore Secondary Schools at East side and in Take mark. The list shown Area of the school, the location of the school, the name of the school and the 2006 intake required marks. That friend is so totally nice and kind! Andd... I had highlighted some of them which I think were suitable for me. I didn't only check the required marks but the CCA which the school has too. Too bad,I can't go neither Tanjong Katong Girls' Sec School nor Tanjong Katong Sec. School and the reason is all because of my CCA, Chinese Orchestra. These schools don't have Chinese Orchestra as one of their CCAs... But if I weren't in that CCA which I am now at, Chinese Orchestra and yet others which those schools have, I would certainly choose either one of those schools as the secondary school I am going to attend in 2009. The schools that were suitable for me were as following: Duman High, Chung Cheng High School, Ngee Ann Sec. School, Temasek Sec School and Anglican High. My family had planned to have a house in the east side when my sister and I are attending Secondary Schools as secondary schools there are more... what can I type of the suitable word? EDUCATED?? EHHS... MAYBE...
I think tomorrow's my big day... I have to mark attendance tomorrow and do all the things the monitor should be doing... As this monitor is leaving tomorrow, going overseas... I'm getting nervous... hehe... I will surely be waving to Yi Xuan while marking attendance as that's what she had ordered me to do... she commanded me to do that so. Evil... Of course not, hehe, just kidding. We just had a promise to wave to each other.
And... I had no idea why my leg felt so pain again... Just like the pain I had after the sports day which I had posted it on blog of the pain. Everytime I bent my leg, the pain came... Ouch!
The today I had today was like this. Get it? Ask me anything you don't understand about today in the tagboard. Or no one is going to help you.
Monday, May 21, 2007
This is the worst thing I had ever felt...
There's something that happened today that made me very sad, that is the worst thing I had ever felt. However, there's still something to feel good... Like thinking last night's joke... Last night, when I wanted to take a bath and I got all my pyjamas and those things, I saw a paper on the floor and went to the rubbish bin and when I dropped that piece of paper, I dropped my pant into that rubbish bin too... HAHA! And also something like this, today I had got prize! It's of the 'Ying Bi Shu Fa' in chinese, I got third in the P5 higher chinese level. Just like last year... Getting third again... And the most surprising part was that last year, Xin Hui got first, Jing Xin Lai got second and I got third and this year, for the P5 higher chinese level, the positions we were in were just the same as last year's... Amaze me... And well,I love that prize! The gift was a book, a very cute and small book and plus some magic pens. But I love the P3's one better, which I had 2 years ago of winning the "ying bi shu fa" again in P3. The prize was shiny pens! =]
But now... The worst thing had happened to me... This is the worst thing I had ever felt. I felt worst for myself. Feeling that I'm worse. Feeling about responsibility. I lost the classroom's key. I felt very lost-responsibility. How could the key got lost? I think of all the places I had gone today, I think of all the possible parts that the key had dropped, I think of all the things possible for finding my key(not my key). How I discovered it was lost was at the last lesson which is during Mrs Tan's lesson and which is after the movie, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory had been shown, which Mrs Tan had kept her promise to show us this movie. I felt that my pocket was very stuffy and wanted to take all the things out. I took the pocket of tissue papers out, my wallet and my watch and... !! The key wasn't in my pocket! Andd... I had no idea where it had gone! I know it's a bit too wierd to put my watch in my pocket... But it's because that Mr. Lim don't allow any watches on our hands during the PE lesson, so I put it in my pocket. Yeah, I found it wierd. But the thing is... the key was lost! It was lost! It was probably finding its way home which is my pocket... My Key!!!(Not my key) I told Miss Koh about it and she said that it's okay because that she had an extra. And I told her that I would try to find my key in my bag, it might be in my bag. But when I had just checked my bag, I checked the whole entire bag, even books, I meant that the key might be stucked between pages in a book or it might be stucked in the corners of my bag, I didn't find any keys at all! That key wasn't in my bag! I was expecting it to be in my bag... I told how the whole incident had happened to Miss Koh, my sister and Kai Qing. I felt that I had lost my responsibility. I felt that responsiblity is my first parity now... Will I be so called ' scolded' by anyone? Or even 'punished'? I felt so afraid, frightened, like I'm going to die... To be killed...
How could my life had ever felt that way? I had nothing to say but responsibility...
But now... The worst thing had happened to me... This is the worst thing I had ever felt. I felt worst for myself. Feeling that I'm worse. Feeling about responsibility. I lost the classroom's key. I felt very lost-responsibility. How could the key got lost? I think of all the places I had gone today, I think of all the possible parts that the key had dropped, I think of all the things possible for finding my key(not my key). How I discovered it was lost was at the last lesson which is during Mrs Tan's lesson and which is after the movie, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory had been shown, which Mrs Tan had kept her promise to show us this movie. I felt that my pocket was very stuffy and wanted to take all the things out. I took the pocket of tissue papers out, my wallet and my watch and... !! The key wasn't in my pocket! Andd... I had no idea where it had gone! I know it's a bit too wierd to put my watch in my pocket... But it's because that Mr. Lim don't allow any watches on our hands during the PE lesson, so I put it in my pocket. Yeah, I found it wierd. But the thing is... the key was lost! It was lost! It was probably finding its way home which is my pocket... My Key!!!(Not my key) I told Miss Koh about it and she said that it's okay because that she had an extra. And I told her that I would try to find my key in my bag, it might be in my bag. But when I had just checked my bag, I checked the whole entire bag, even books, I meant that the key might be stucked between pages in a book or it might be stucked in the corners of my bag, I didn't find any keys at all! That key wasn't in my bag! I was expecting it to be in my bag... I told how the whole incident had happened to Miss Koh, my sister and Kai Qing. I felt that I had lost my responsibility. I felt that responsiblity is my first parity now... Will I be so called ' scolded' by anyone? Or even 'punished'? I felt so afraid, frightened, like I'm going to die... To be killed...
How could my life had ever felt that way? I had nothing to say but responsibility...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
P5 Camp (Last day 11th April)
I know it's a bit too late to talk about this. This thing had already past more than one month ago. But I can still remember how it's gone. In a bright sunny morning, I woke up and so did my teammates. We got to the canteen and had our breakfast. Today's the last day of camp! (I mean 11 April is the last day of camp!) There's lots of things happening on that day although it's the last day. The last day told us many things. It told us that Sylvia,one of my teammates was the best girl camper and Yi Hui whose one of my teammates too, was the third best girl leader and the best of all, my group, K was in the second position in all the things, I mean in all the competitions that teachers had recorded marks and my group was the second highest! But... Too bad... The prize we got was just the same as others who got 5th position, 4th position, 3rd position and 1st position. But well, the most need-to-complain-about-the prize will surely be group B who got the 1st position! They will surely be complaining here and there of their prize, of having things of the fifth position and positions lower than them but being the first position. They're more miserable to be pitied than us. =}
And, the last day was that the bus that drove us back to school had a mini television, that showed the children's favourite show which is Mr. Bean!!! So funny!! Although I had already seen it. Mr. Bean's always repeating their series, I know, the actor of Mr. Bean whose name called ...Ak... Forgot his name had already stopped acting Mr. Bean shows and is working on other shows now. He was so totally popular then, during the time when Mr. Bean's popular. And yet, he's still popular nowdays, with his latest and the last show of Mr. Bean, or should I say 'Movie' which is Mr. Bean Holidays.
Then...Then...Then... By then... I went home and washed myself up as I didn't have a shower that night before during the camp and got sweeten up! NOT SWEATEN!
And, the last day was that the bus that drove us back to school had a mini television, that showed the children's favourite show which is Mr. Bean!!! So funny!! Although I had already seen it. Mr. Bean's always repeating their series, I know, the actor of Mr. Bean whose name called ...Ak... Forgot his name had already stopped acting Mr. Bean shows and is working on other shows now. He was so totally popular then, during the time when Mr. Bean's popular. And yet, he's still popular nowdays, with his latest and the last show of Mr. Bean, or should I say 'Movie' which is Mr. Bean Holidays.
Then...Then...Then... By then... I went home and washed myself up as I didn't have a shower that night before during the camp and got sweeten up! NOT SWEATEN!
Ordinary Day
Having an ordinary day again. Yeah, ordinary. Very Ordinary. It is ordinary. Through this ordinary day, I finally know that I will be having an ordinary holiday too. ORDINARY! Can I have anything extraordinary? I won't be going to Sydney in this June Holidays and will be staying in Singapore, having an super ordinary holidays. My mom's passport is going to expired and my dad had to work in June and there's no time for them to take my sisters and I to Sydney and have holidays, no relax, no benefit, no relish, no enjoy. But I understand that my parents are really going to have extraordinary works to do, therefore, no extraordinary holidays for them, and ordinary holidays for us... NO, I'm not saying that I'm unhappy or anything like sad of having ordinary holidays, I like ordinary sometimes. Staying at home all the times, playing computer, :D. I love playing computer! If I'm having extraordinary holidays, I'll surely am not touching my computer for the whole month! Not even having my own enjoyable things touched. So, ordinary's the best! EVER! But for Avril Lavigne, she'll certainly likes extraordinary of her song, Anything but Ordinary. Yeah, I like that song, as I like extraordinary sometimes. And I'm quite an ordinary girl or maybe not? But well, for Jordan Pruitt, she's not expecting to see any ordinary girl of her song, No Ordinary Girl. You could play these songs I had just mentioned in my music player, =]*]
Ordinary is everything! Or maybe extraordinary?! I got to rush my homeworks! Okay, I will just post one more post about the last day of camp, okay?
Ordinary is everything! Or maybe extraordinary?! I got to rush my homeworks! Okay, I will just post one more post about the last day of camp, okay?
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The result that had been finalized
I wanted to talk about my results today. I know, I know, I had been mentioning most of them in the other posts but I just want to tell all of you my finalized result although I didn't had any marks left or came, I just want to tell all of the results now, in case I didn't mention some of them in the other posts.
Listening Comprehension: 16/20
Paper 2: 50.5/95
I know, it's bad, but at least my marks of the English Paper is more than the marks I expected=]
Normal Chinese
Listening Comprehension: ... Forgot...
Paper 2: 76.5/90
Higher Chinese
I had all subjects improved compared to CA1 except for Mathematics. I got 90/100 in CA1 but in SA1, I got 73 as shown above. I had improved in all except for Mathematics! I'm so happy! Especially Science! I don't even have any of the papers failed! But... I failed the comprehension in the English Paper... Appoint 20 of that comprehension, I only got 1.5 marks... How ashamed that is... If only I passed my comprehension in that English Paper, I will get average marks... But at least it's higher than what I had targetted. And at least, it's passed. And also that it had already past, there's no "If only".
Okay. What I did today was very plain, normal and simple. Today, I played lots of game! With ACB! We played Minesweeper Flags 2 rounds and I won all those rounds, we played Uno which had been played by us 2 rounds too and I had won the first round and yet ACB won the second round. Then, we played the Jigsaw Too which had been played 2 rounds and ACB won all those rounds, we played checkers which had been played 2 rounds too and was won by ACB again in all the rounds. Andd... blah blah blah... I was so weak playing at checkers... Last time, I think at P4 time, I played checkers with Hwee Ling too and I lost to Hwee Ling... Just like what I had just lost to ACB! Those games really load very slow that we had to wait for so long.... And I actually wanted to play sudoku too but it won't load... My screen just went blank... Then... I invited Sharmine and we chatted... But she wasn't there when I invited, she just chatted after a while. Hahax, we recorded voices and send to the chatroom. When sharmine type bb in the chatroom which is shortforms for bye bye, I recorded my voice as bye bye to her! Andd....
Now... I wanted to play games again! Had no mood to do homeworks! If only I can go back by time machine... NO IF ONLY! Oh... Sorry... =) Soliloquizing... (=
Typed at 18.22 (Add-in things):
Oh! I had suddenly remember that today is my cousin,Brittany's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITTANY!! SEVEN-YEAR OLD-GIRL!
Oh! And today's also Jordan Pruitt Birthday! She's my idol! And I'm her big fan! Happy birthday Jordan Pruitt!! SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL!
COINCIDENT to have my cousin and my big idol to have their birthday at the same date!
Listening Comprehension: 16/20
Paper 2: 50.5/95
I know, it's bad, but at least my marks of the English Paper is more than the marks I expected=]
Normal Chinese
Listening Comprehension: ... Forgot...
Paper 2: 76.5/90
Higher Chinese
I had all subjects improved compared to CA1 except for Mathematics. I got 90/100 in CA1 but in SA1, I got 73 as shown above. I had improved in all except for Mathematics! I'm so happy! Especially Science! I don't even have any of the papers failed! But... I failed the comprehension in the English Paper... Appoint 20 of that comprehension, I only got 1.5 marks... How ashamed that is... If only I passed my comprehension in that English Paper, I will get average marks... But at least it's higher than what I had targetted. And at least, it's passed. And also that it had already past, there's no "If only".
Okay. What I did today was very plain, normal and simple. Today, I played lots of game! With ACB! We played Minesweeper Flags 2 rounds and I won all those rounds, we played Uno which had been played by us 2 rounds too and I had won the first round and yet ACB won the second round. Then, we played the Jigsaw Too which had been played 2 rounds and ACB won all those rounds, we played checkers which had been played 2 rounds too and was won by ACB again in all the rounds. Andd... blah blah blah... I was so weak playing at checkers... Last time, I think at P4 time, I played checkers with Hwee Ling too and I lost to Hwee Ling... Just like what I had just lost to ACB! Those games really load very slow that we had to wait for so long.... And I actually wanted to play sudoku too but it won't load... My screen just went blank... Then... I invited Sharmine and we chatted... But she wasn't there when I invited, she just chatted after a while. Hahax, we recorded voices and send to the chatroom. When sharmine type bb in the chatroom which is shortforms for bye bye, I recorded my voice as bye bye to her! Andd....
Now... I wanted to play games again! Had no mood to do homeworks! If only I can go back by time machine... NO IF ONLY! Oh... Sorry... =) Soliloquizing... (=
Typed at 18.22 (Add-in things):
Oh! I had suddenly remember that today is my cousin,Brittany's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITTANY!! SEVEN-YEAR OLD-GIRL!
Oh! And today's also Jordan Pruitt Birthday! She's my idol! And I'm her big fan! Happy birthday Jordan Pruitt!! SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL!
COINCIDENT to have my cousin and my big idol to have their birthday at the same date!
Friday, May 18, 2007
I'm quite hating myself of typing a title which is 'today' AGAIN!! Today... is a sunny day! And a sexy day! I mean a hot day... Really very hot!! Today is an extremely hot day! I'm now looking forward to holidays! I'm so exciting about it! Then, I can do whatever things I would like to do!=] Looking forward to it!! Time please be fast! But just make sure that you'll be slow during the holidays=).
Today... I had lots of signatures on my hands! =) They're from Yi Xuan and Si Ying and me!!! We signed our own signatures on each of our hands during the 'Zhen Ke'.I like Si Ying's signature a lot! It's so stylish... (= And it's like almost everyone around me who knows me asked me what's on your hand... Since Si Ying's signature is that big enough for people's attention. HAHAX... And so funny... I think Jia Yi's a bit wearing yellow stockings now about me being always with Yi Xuan and those 5R's people. Oh and by the way,'wearing yellw stockings' means 'chi cu' in chinese. I asked her is that so and she said of course not and those funny things...
I loved today's mass exercise a lot! Love it! Of the game, 'zero point'... It's actually a game with a so called 'string' that is make up of lots and lots of rubber bands joining together. This game had to be played in fours best! Two people will be holding those ends of that 'rubber bands string' and two people will be jumping over it while the other two people raise that string higher and higher till the top of their heads. I'm in the group which had Si Ting, Qiao Chu and Jolynn. We can't actually jumped over the string which has the distance of our hips to the ground on wards. It's difficult. You can't touch the string while jumping. Guess what?? When we put that string on top of our heads, Qiao Chu suggested to walk over the string instead of jumping over, it's so funny. Creative Qiao Chu! =)
See You Tomorrow, Bloggie! See ya!
Today... I had lots of signatures on my hands! =) They're from Yi Xuan and Si Ying and me!!! We signed our own signatures on each of our hands during the 'Zhen Ke'.I like Si Ying's signature a lot! It's so stylish... (= And it's like almost everyone around me who knows me asked me what's on your hand... Since Si Ying's signature is that big enough for people's attention. HAHAX... And so funny... I think Jia Yi's a bit wearing yellow stockings now about me being always with Yi Xuan and those 5R's people. Oh and by the way,'wearing yellw stockings' means 'chi cu' in chinese. I asked her is that so and she said of course not and those funny things...
I loved today's mass exercise a lot! Love it! Of the game, 'zero point'... It's actually a game with a so called 'string' that is make up of lots and lots of rubber bands joining together. This game had to be played in fours best! Two people will be holding those ends of that 'rubber bands string' and two people will be jumping over it while the other two people raise that string higher and higher till the top of their heads. I'm in the group which had Si Ting, Qiao Chu and Jolynn. We can't actually jumped over the string which has the distance of our hips to the ground on wards. It's difficult. You can't touch the string while jumping. Guess what?? When we put that string on top of our heads, Qiao Chu suggested to walk over the string instead of jumping over, it's so funny. Creative Qiao Chu! =)
See You Tomorrow, Bloggie! See ya!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Just want to tell all of you one thing and you guys have to pay lots of attention to this! I'm really not going to see another person doing the same wrong thing as I had just did last night! Last night, because that I actually saw that the mouse can't highlight in Edlyn's blog and therefore, I wanted to have that 'no highlight' code. So, I went to see Edlyn's blogskin designer and did all those things, finally, when I reached that designer's blogskins account, I searched for the skin that this designer made that Edlyn put as her skin. At last, when I had searched that skin, I downloaded that skin and then copy the whole skin code and paste it in the template of my blogger account. I wanted to preview and to see whether that skin really does work in not highlighting, however, I had no idea why that I had clicked on the button beside that button 'preview' which is 'save and...' Perhaps it's because that I was too sleepy that time that had mistaken things...OH MY GROSS! When that page was loading after I clicked on that button, I knew something was wrong.As I was too afraid and frightened, I tried to stop it loading, but I don't know why that my mind was totally blank while the page was loading, it's like the world's going to be over, that kind of feeling.
The page loaded... and that skin was saved which is Edlyn's skin. I regretted, and cried all night. I cried until my eyes gone all red... I told my sister that the world's over... All the things I updated in my blog... were all GONE! My profile... which I had worked on it so laboriously... With all those wishlist,hate list, likes, parities... best friend, blogskin account, born date, photo... and all those things!! They were lost! And my cbox... My webcounter... I had to restart a webcounter again... My music... and most importantly my LINKS!!!OH MY! I did those links in great efforts but now?!
I tried to calm myself down that night, and told myself that everything's going to be alright. There's no one to be blamed on... and this thing had already past, I MUST try to solve the problem but not just crying with nothing to do at all. Yeah, I think me myself's words made sense and therefore... I redid the whole entire template... Except that I had to still work on the profile tomorrow... The profile is such a long story, don't you know?
I had regretted to not saving my blog code in the notepad or wordpad or whatever pads... So, every bloggers, please do not learn from what I had just experienced. Pass this message to everyone to save the code in wordpad,notepad or whatever pads after saving it in your blogger account. Pass down please. And don't ever like me. DON'T! I had regretted and I don't want you to regret and cry all day long because of your great work being deleted or something like that.
The page loaded... and that skin was saved which is Edlyn's skin. I regretted, and cried all night. I cried until my eyes gone all red... I told my sister that the world's over... All the things I updated in my blog... were all GONE! My profile... which I had worked on it so laboriously... With all those wishlist,hate list, likes, parities... best friend, blogskin account, born date, photo... and all those things!! They were lost! And my cbox... My webcounter... I had to restart a webcounter again... My music... and most importantly my LINKS!!!OH MY! I did those links in great efforts but now?!
I tried to calm myself down that night, and told myself that everything's going to be alright. There's no one to be blamed on... and this thing had already past, I MUST try to solve the problem but not just crying with nothing to do at all. Yeah, I think me myself's words made sense and therefore... I redid the whole entire template... Except that I had to still work on the profile tomorrow... The profile is such a long story, don't you know?
I had regretted to not saving my blog code in the notepad or wordpad or whatever pads... So, every bloggers, please do not learn from what I had just experienced. Pass this message to everyone to save the code in wordpad,notepad or whatever pads after saving it in your blogger account. Pass down please. And don't ever like me. DON'T! I had regretted and I don't want you to regret and cry all day long because of your great work being deleted or something like that.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Happiest Day Of My Life
Today is the Happiest Day!!! I know, maybe, there's somedays before today which were my happiest days in my life, but... I've already forgotten those days, just like what I had written for the worst day of my life, I think I had posted this post not long ago. But anyway, what make today's the Happiest Day Of My Life were many many happy things that make today a happy day! =)





Let's start with the first one... Well, actually, I don't really enjoyed the start of today, but I enjoyed the end of today, I mean... things I enjoyed were in school, which means that, those 'todays' mean school.At the start of school time, I don't really enjoyed, but I enjoyed the end of school today,it's like the chinese idiom what, "hao zai hou tou" blah blah blah. Okay, let's start. First thing that enjoyed me was... MUSIC TEST! I was so lucky today to be the first one to take the music test, singing... After three rounds of playing the music by Mrs Tan in the computer to warm us up of knowing the melody, the music of that song, Mrs Tan just shot her mouth with a number like that number was the number that poped in her head the moment she thought about numbers. She said,"Number eight!" And that's my index number! Oh... I've never had any presentation that was first presented by me, myself... I sang... but singing it in undertones...However,I think some of the pupils in front can hear me... Although I sang it in undertones, I don't think that I felt nervous or anything like that while singing, I don't know why that I felt so relaxed... Can anyone tell me?? Andd.. Of the reason of why I was lucky was that, while I was singing, only my class heard me, but when the last person sang, I meant the last person tested today sang, many of the other pupils from other classes came to our class of their chinese class, so, Xin Ze whose the last person of the day tested, will sang with more pupils listening to him. Hahaz, he's like, can't sing in very high pitch, as there's high pitch in that song, he's like singing the best he could to make himself singing in high pitch, but that's don't sound like high... So everyone laughed at his funny voice while singing in the high pitch part.
Then, next happy thing was that I'm a big fan of Ong Yi Xuan!! She's a rock star man! I got her signature! hehe... that cost $100000000000000000000000000000, like the book, SKIN by Roald Dahl. But the ink of the signature is going to fade... See:
Then, next happy thing was that, me, Jia Yi and Sharmine did a friend symbol today, it was crossing our arms with a so proud look. [= so funny! Then Sharmine said that the symbol we make is like what Ang Chong Beng always make. But I think it's like what Jun Wei makes, last year, when Miss Goi took photos of the class, Jun Wei crossed his arms and made a funny face, just like what our friend symbol is like! =] Liking friends like Sharmine and Jia Yi =))
After that at home, my babysister snatched my handphone and took so many photos, as following[I meant that I will show you some of them, there's about 10 dozen of pictures she took! She even took pictures like the sofa and all those things...] :
cute nose~ <3
and I'm also happy to know that I'm in the fifteen position in my chinese class!! =] HAPPY! HIPPY! YIPEE! =)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Results Of Examinations
Don't you think that I hadn't post blogs for a very long time? Well, I think so. What happened these few days was all having results seen. Don't you think that I would improve this round? Yeah, some of the papers of some subjects had shown improvements compared to the last round which is the CA1, but not for my Mathematics... (You can actually see some of my results shown on the previus entry[I think])I had got a 50.5/95 for English, 73/100 for Mathematics, 76.5/90 for Normal Chinese, 52/60(Section A) for Science and 50/60 for Higher Chinese. If you knew what my SA1 result was, you will surely be hanging your mouth opened now with what you had seen in the deprovements of the Mathematics. I'm really very disappointed with myself.
Disappointed... Somehow, I seemed to be 'appointed' now. I'm kind of like having some secrets with my friends, hehe! I had some secret with YX now, liking it! (appointed :D)
Oh, gross... Forgot to post something... Oh and before this forgot thingy, I've got something to tell! I really don't think that I should get such low marks for Mathematics and English... The careless mistakes for English was that, I had wrote a lot of grammar mistakes!!! Which I should already know that it's wrong!! I might be quite having a headache or something like that while having that examination! And then, the most obvious careless mistakes that I made in the Mathematics was that, when I wanted to find the area of a triangle, I multiply those at the back but forgot to divide by two after multiplying!! Get what I mean?? Careless...
Now, the thing that I forgot to post is that there was one hilarious thing happening on Monday during assembly. Mrs Tan asked all the boys except Xin Ze to help to carry those instruments carried out in the performance, as when Mrs Tan was asking those boys to help, Xin Ze was marking attendance and so... After the attendance thing, during assembly, Xin Ze was the only boy sitting at our class! hahaz! It's like all the other boys were all absent that day except for Xin Ze!! =]
Then just 15 minutes ago, before I retyped this entry which is 23:05, suddenly, my sister and I heard a loud 'boom' out there. We thought that it's somebody murdering somebody and things like that... I said to my sister that we were watching television at this momment and yet there's something going on at the same time... Just right after my words, 3 'boom' dashed out again... We were so afraid... And very curious about it... And certainly, wanted to know what's that story is all about...
Disappointed... Somehow, I seemed to be 'appointed' now. I'm kind of like having some secrets with my friends, hehe! I had some secret with YX now, liking it! (appointed :D)
Oh, gross... Forgot to post something... Oh and before this forgot thingy, I've got something to tell! I really don't think that I should get such low marks for Mathematics and English... The careless mistakes for English was that, I had wrote a lot of grammar mistakes!!! Which I should already know that it's wrong!! I might be quite having a headache or something like that while having that examination! And then, the most obvious careless mistakes that I made in the Mathematics was that, when I wanted to find the area of a triangle, I multiply those at the back but forgot to divide by two after multiplying!! Get what I mean?? Careless...
Now, the thing that I forgot to post is that there was one hilarious thing happening on Monday during assembly. Mrs Tan asked all the boys except Xin Ze to help to carry those instruments carried out in the performance, as when Mrs Tan was asking those boys to help, Xin Ze was marking attendance and so... After the attendance thing, during assembly, Xin Ze was the only boy sitting at our class! hahaz! It's like all the other boys were all absent that day except for Xin Ze!! =]
Then just 15 minutes ago, before I retyped this entry which is 23:05, suddenly, my sister and I heard a loud 'boom' out there. We thought that it's somebody murdering somebody and things like that... I said to my sister that we were watching television at this momment and yet there's something going on at the same time... Just right after my words, 3 'boom' dashed out again... We were so afraid... And very curious about it... And certainly, wanted to know what's that story is all about...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Boring Day
hmm... Today's quite a boring day... Well, I made two skins today which are 7% Butterfly Love [[nelly* and 8% CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT you! [[nelly* . Kindly rate me if you are one of the blog skinner and please rate a green flag in the user rating! I'm having a hard time without commenting in skins these few days! I'm totally happy satisfy with the eighth skin. I think it's quite nice. Although there's some messes at the bottom.=D
Okay. OH! I had forgotten to post something yesterday. This something is a thing that happened during the... Normal Chinese Paper 2, I think. Miss Koh who had came to my class before that examination told us that as she read those index numbers, I mean like who's number 1? And then that person who's that index number will call out his/her name. Hahax, when it's Gu Chen Xu's turn to say his name, guess what he said? He didn't say his own name, however, 'Zhou Jie Lun' hahahahahaha..... The whole class kept laughing and laughing none stop. Miss Koh replied him(translated from chinese to english),"Mr Zhou Jie Lun, why are you at singapore now? I thought you should be at Taiwan." Haha.
How boring today was... Not at all. Just boring without doing any homeworks. =] Today, I discovered a new singer who's name called, Jordan Pruitt, discovered that she's very young to be a singer. She's only 15 years old this year! And most of the songs she sang was written by her, herself! She's pro man! Andd... Today, I cooked! I meant cooked in a... crumsy way. I said to my maid that I wanted to try everything, cutting, frying, peeling... Oh peeling! I'm so funny in the peeling part! I peeled the potato... Haha. I peeled about an hour! Andd... I peeled the skin of the potato, so thick, I even peeled some of the fruit inside... that's make the potato so 'skinny' ...
Anddd... haiz.. All I can think about now was blogskin!! I wanted to do some again! BYEBYE!
Okay. OH! I had forgotten to post something yesterday. This something is a thing that happened during the... Normal Chinese Paper 2, I think. Miss Koh who had came to my class before that examination told us that as she read those index numbers, I mean like who's number 1? And then that person who's that index number will call out his/her name. Hahax, when it's Gu Chen Xu's turn to say his name, guess what he said? He didn't say his own name, however, 'Zhou Jie Lun' hahahahahaha..... The whole class kept laughing and laughing none stop. Miss Koh replied him(translated from chinese to english),"Mr Zhou Jie Lun, why are you at singapore now? I thought you should be at Taiwan." Haha.
How boring today was... Not at all. Just boring without doing any homeworks. =] Today, I discovered a new singer who's name called, Jordan Pruitt, discovered that she's very young to be a singer. She's only 15 years old this year! And most of the songs she sang was written by her, herself! She's pro man! Andd... Today, I cooked! I meant cooked in a... crumsy way. I said to my maid that I wanted to try everything, cutting, frying, peeling... Oh peeling! I'm so funny in the peeling part! I peeled the potato... Haha. I peeled about an hour! Andd... I peeled the skin of the potato, so thick, I even peeled some of the fruit inside... that's make the potato so 'skinny' ...
Anddd... haiz.. All I can think about now was blogskin!! I wanted to do some again! BYEBYE!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Worst Day Of My Life
I know it's a bit... doesn't make sense...But yes, I had a worse day of my life before but I had already forgotten how did it happen, why was it worse, when did it happen and all those things like that. In nowdays(I mean days/months/years that isn't like 'a long time ago'), the worst day of my life is today. Some of you might guess that it's because of my results since the exams are just over today, yes it's part of it but the thing that make it worser is not only this. Okay, let's me tell you about my results on the SA1. I had just knew some of the results of some of the subjects which are Normal Chinese and Mathematics, and there's still one subject which is English but I just knew the marks for section A of this subject. I got 76.5/90 for normal chinese which had shown some improvements than the last round, CA1. In CA1, I had 75.5/90 but now, I got 76.5, it's still an improvement althought it was shown there only improved by a mark. Mathematics... I felt so disappointed with this. I had only 73/100 this time round of the SA1 in Mathematics. Last round in CA1, I got 90 but now... This is really a great deprovement... Even Miss See said that she wanted me to get higher than this. Guess what? After Miss See gave out the papers for us to check out of the marks, I saw some of my classmates shedding their tears because of the low marks they got. Especially Felicia. She cried. Crying while explaining why she cried to some of us. I heard her saying that her father would bit her with a result like that. She only got 56/90. She's kind of the kind to be worth pitied. And she spoke to us while crying that her dad wanted her to get band 1 for every subjects, why is her dad so strict?? I'm so lucky to have a dad whose kind, my dad is the best daddy ever! For english... Well, I was pretty disappointed with my english results. Mrs Tan only gave out the OAS. And since we wasted so much time of hers, there's not enough time to go through the whole paper. I got only 20/30 for Section A.... And I just hope that I am not one of the eleven failers who failed that English Paper, but something in my heart told me that I'm one of those failers... Just hope for it...that I'm a passer...
Now... Coming to the worst part. I cried... just because of my sister hitting me. She hit me just now, she always use her old method to make me cry. She used her fingernails and stucked it into my skin... Ouch. I felt so pain. And she hit me with her hand on my back. I had kind of use to this. Just like a habit... But we will be fine sometime after the fight. We won't be like hating each other. That's why she's one of my loves at my profile column.
It's always best to have a friend to cheer me up... =] although she has no idea that I had a fight with my sister just now.[= This cute friend just rang me just now and chatted with me with a lot of words that I like and chatted with jokes. hehe. Friends' always the best! =)
p.s Results of Normal Chinese and Higher Chinese Compositions were both around 30-35. ME, now being quite satisfy with chinese compositions.=]
p.p.s.s When I'm having tea just now, I felt that the 'fei zhi' in my mouth very cool and like very... erm... like that's going to recover... =]
Now... Coming to the worst part. I cried... just because of my sister hitting me. She hit me just now, she always use her old method to make me cry. She used her fingernails and stucked it into my skin... Ouch. I felt so pain. And she hit me with her hand on my back. I had kind of use to this. Just like a habit... But we will be fine sometime after the fight. We won't be like hating each other. That's why she's one of my loves at my profile column.
It's always best to have a friend to cheer me up... =] although she has no idea that I had a fight with my sister just now.[= This cute friend just rang me just now and chatted with me with a lot of words that I like and chatted with jokes. hehe. Friends' always the best! =)
p.s Results of Normal Chinese and Higher Chinese Compositions were both around 30-35. ME, now being quite satisfy with chinese compositions.=]
p.p.s.s When I'm having tea just now, I felt that the 'fei zhi' in my mouth very cool and like very... erm... like that's going to recover... =]
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Happy Day.
Today's a really happy day. You guys don't mistaken that it's because of Papee not here, it's because that I had just took a video with my mother and two of my sisters with great happy emotions.
Hahax, especially in the end of video, it's so funny. I tried to act as funny as I could to make others happy. What I did was, I made myself as if I was going to fall with my babysister in my hand. Everyone laugh! And the most hilarious part is when my sister screamed! Not because of terror and horror but because of my mom tickling her. Hahaz, she kept on screaming as mad as a kind of sciencetists who always pull their hair up so crazily. Hahahahah.... She scream soooooooo mad that made her so funny... You guys don't think that she's actually a refine and urbane as she's always at school, she isn't at all. She's like a crazy and mad woman at home. HEHE... I WON'T TELL HER SECRET ANYMORE BECAUSE I'M IN GREAT TROUBLE NOW...
P.S Tomorrow's the start of the examination, tomorrow's having the English Paper 2 as well as English Listening Comprehension. Getting more and more nervous!
Hahax, especially in the end of video, it's so funny. I tried to act as funny as I could to make others happy. What I did was, I made myself as if I was going to fall with my babysister in my hand. Everyone laugh! And the most hilarious part is when my sister screamed! Not because of terror and horror but because of my mom tickling her. Hahaz, she kept on screaming as mad as a kind of sciencetists who always pull their hair up so crazily. Hahahahah.... She scream soooooooo mad that made her so funny... You guys don't think that she's actually a refine and urbane as she's always at school, she isn't at all. She's like a crazy and mad woman at home. HEHE... I WON'T TELL HER SECRET ANYMORE BECAUSE I'M IN GREAT TROUBLE NOW...
P.S Tomorrow's the start of the examination, tomorrow's having the English Paper 2 as well as English Listening Comprehension. Getting more and more nervous!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Departure and Arrival
My mother had just came back from Hong Kong! She's now here but my father's departing soon, 40 minutes later. I will surely be missing Papee, Pamii!! That's what I call him. And now, mother had arrived, I'd be glad! Mother! Mummy! I missed her so much but now, I didn't have to, however, I had to miss father now, PAPA! My father's going to depart Singapore to do some business and my mother had just arrived from her business. One arrive and one depart. Exchanging identity.=]
Examination will start 2 days later. Everyone knows that the English Paper for P5 this year in the SA1 is not easy, everyone in the level knows, every teacher had detailed us of the difficult paper and warned us not to play here and there but to study and to revise hard. But my spirit seems to be concentrating in computers, in blogs, that I wanted to make my blog better. I'm already weak at English, result shown that I failed every English tests from Semester 2 in P4 onwards. Now, that I don't know what to do, I had to face the problem... But how am I going to face it? Reading books? Yeah, I had just read. Perhaps I should do some revision in the newspaper of 'Da Mu Zi' in the English section to improve my English. I had to improve! I don't want everyone to think that I'm having a lousy result in English and think that I can't improve my English just because that I'm from Hong Kong. I don't know if my ideas would help. If only I didn't waste my time in P4, spending them in computers, playing, not even knowing the definitions of some vocabularies when I met them. I felt so useless.
Examination will start 2 days later. Everyone knows that the English Paper for P5 this year in the SA1 is not easy, everyone in the level knows, every teacher had detailed us of the difficult paper and warned us not to play here and there but to study and to revise hard. But my spirit seems to be concentrating in computers, in blogs, that I wanted to make my blog better. I'm already weak at English, result shown that I failed every English tests from Semester 2 in P4 onwards. Now, that I don't know what to do, I had to face the problem... But how am I going to face it? Reading books? Yeah, I had just read. Perhaps I should do some revision in the newspaper of 'Da Mu Zi' in the English section to improve my English. I had to improve! I don't want everyone to think that I'm having a lousy result in English and think that I can't improve my English just because that I'm from Hong Kong. I don't know if my ideas would help. If only I didn't waste my time in P4, spending them in computers, playing, not even knowing the definitions of some vocabularies when I met them. I felt so useless.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Having pain is very weird and unusual. I realised that after the sport day, my stomach felt pain whenever I laughed and my leg felt pain whenever I bent it. So, I asked my father why and he said that it's because of how I ran in the sport day, because of the great exercise I made. I told him everything in the sport day and he just figured out like figuring out the 'bingo' and then told me why. He said that Miss Lee had gone too far, she shouldn't be saying that I'm not reserve as I didn't go for any of the trainings and yet I had to run. Because of me running so fast, running 100m times 2(times 2 because of the rerun) which is 200m with a new record of my own, so my muscles in my stomach as well as my leg will feel pain whenever there's a little/big movement about it. He said that more and more organs like my hands are going to feel pain too! Oh My! I told you all, I had done my best. I had never had run as fast as that before. I meant that I didn't warm myself very up that made me felt pain, and I didn't get used to run for so fast by then, I ran fast in the past but I had just had a big influence, I can't get use to it and that's why I'm feeling painer and painer.
My class is always being so noisy at jokes and all those that make me laugh sometimes and now, I mean just now, they made me laugh and giggle so crazily and madly that my stomach felt super pain! Oh my, when I'm thinking of those jokes again, laughing so hardly now, my stomach pained! HAHAHAH! Ouch!
How I wish I did never get to run again!
My class is always being so noisy at jokes and all those that make me laugh sometimes and now, I mean just now, they made me laugh and giggle so crazily and madly that my stomach felt super pain! Oh my, when I'm thinking of those jokes again, laughing so hardly now, my stomach pained! HAHAHAH! Ouch!
How I wish I did never get to run again!
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