Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Departure and Arrival

My mother had just came back from Hong Kong! She's now here but my father's departing soon, 40 minutes later. I will surely be missing Papee, Pamii!! That's what I call him. And now, mother had arrived, I'd be glad! Mother! Mummy! I missed her so much but now, I didn't have to, however, I had to miss father now, PAPA! My father's going to depart Singapore to do some business and my mother had just arrived from her business. One arrive and one depart. Exchanging identity.=]

Examination will start 2 days later. Everyone knows that the English Paper for P5 this year in the SA1 is not easy, everyone in the level knows, every teacher had detailed us of the difficult paper and warned us not to play here and there but to study and to revise hard. But my spirit seems to be concentrating in computers, in blogs, that I wanted to make my blog better. I'm already weak at English, result shown that I failed every English tests from Semester 2 in P4 onwards. Now, that I don't know what to do, I had to face the problem... But how am I going to face it? Reading books? Yeah, I had just read. Perhaps I should do some revision in the newspaper of 'Da Mu Zi' in the English section to improve my English. I had to improve! I don't want everyone to think that I'm having a lousy result in English and think that I can't improve my English just because that I'm from Hong Kong. I don't know if my ideas would help. If only I didn't waste my time in P4, spending them in computers, playing, not even knowing the definitions of some vocabularies when I met them. I felt so useless.

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