I can't say if this is really perfect for the folk adage, "Nothing is perfect." I don't see myself to be prohibitted by such an common saying. So, I'm just gonna say, today's the most perfect day ever. I don't know why and neither do you, I just feel perfect, I feel that everything's fresh around me, EVERYTHING'S clear, everything's lucid, everything's brisky. It's like today's the very only day that I've got a towel, to eliminate every sweep of dewy air from my eyes.
I don't know you of how you make yourself lucid to the world, but I do know about myself. I feel just like what I was saying yesterday, flying in the air. Although, well, don't be silly, it's impossible, but in my mind, I just feel a strong invisible arm carrying me in the air, making me bounce, float, it's that kind of feeling you know. And, yesterday, I didn't feel as floaty as today, it's completely, TOTALLY, I've been like in a wonderland. Oh, I felt you misunderstanding something again. Right, wonderland, doesn't at all meant that I'm dreaming. Well, I'll stop hesitating around, what I'm really trying to say is that, I feel a lot relax after although, one work done. Alright, at least, something is done, to let me feel this way. I say - 'DONE' is the keyword of my life. Only well, something is done, that I shall have this feeling, if not, I felt something real biggy, plumping onto me. 'DONE' . I like this word . :D
Oh well, I think someone has this ought to be thanked by the very me. And she's Yi Xuan. From the moment she's helping me with the work, I felt really 'DONE'. Although, Yi Xuan, I'm afraid you minded really much of the many 'thank yous' I've said, because, I'm really in the mood of wasting my salivias to say the many unoften 'thank yous' that I had said to you. I really hope that you got my thank. :) THANK YOU VERY MUCH YI XUAN, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO REMOVE THE VERY BIG PLUMP FROM ME :)
Hi, this is the official history of me in the period between 2006-2009, you see the metamorphosis period, the process of turning into a beautiful butterfly~~
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I'm useless.
I can't be used anywhere at all.
I wanted to do my remaining holidays homeworks and yet.. it's so difficult for me to settle down and do them. I mean, do I have anything to settle down anyhow?! When I faced my remaining homeworks, my mind went blank, it's like I don't want to do them, it's like.. TOTAL LIKE THAT I WANT TO FINISH THE HOMEWORKS, HOWEVER , I'M TOO LAZY TO DO THEM! And well, what else can I do than doing homeworks? I just hanged around everywhere, trying to fit myself in. I tried, EVERYTHING! The moment I want to do that stuff, I've thought of the undone homeworks. However, everytime, 'homeworks' was mentioned to me, was saw by me, I'm resembly dodging from it. Anyone, please, tell me the very right way to settle myself. Although, I knew, I'm like you guys too, not reading someone's entries when I went into her blog, however the purpose to their blogs is just to tag them, and makes them tag back. Well, you mightn't read this too, so I don't see why am I asking you how to settle myself :(
Okay, don't ever misunderstood anything. I'm not in expectancy of all your mercy and sympathy. I'm just helping my very own self. RIGHT. I THINK NOBODY CAN HELP ME. IT SHOULD BE... SHOULD BE BEST TO FACE THE HOMEWORKS, STOP DODGING, YOU SILLY LUKEWARM!!
Ahhh!!! Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right!! I'm silly, I'm a total lukewarm to homeworks, ALRIGHT!
I'm going to forget everything tomorrow, I'm going to forget the time I've wasted on trashes, on rubbishes, I'm going to do my homeworks spellboundly, ceaselessly, I'm going to do my homeworks like clockwork, I'm not going to plump into rubbishes and trashes again, I'm going to proceed to homeworks even when I've plump into them, I'm going to alter myself, I'm going to stop my stupid foibles on dodging from homeworks, I'm going to remember nothing that I'm dodging from homeworks, I'm not going to fail tomorrow!!!
Phew, not only did I feel better now after the many precious salivias I've wasted deftly on this, I feel like flying now. WOOSH!
Alright, after this very settlement, is it settled yet?! Oh you will see, I'm going to finish all these little homeworks tomorrow! :D Alright, something smarted me real hurt today. When I was waging my every wasted minutes, I went to the KNS blog. I saw this really hurtful entry. It did smarted me. Of what our leader had rave about how magnificent, gracious, entertaining she is, I don't see why she deserved to pass away! T_T I'm feeling so sullen now, that I've no idea why. She's not anyone related to me, I mean blood related, why am I feeling so sad??Perhaps it's KNS, our guild. We're missing one KNS member. We're having one leaving. :( I don't see why good people always have to .. get something bad. WHY? WHY? WHY? Oh gracious! She's just 19, she's only 19 and isn't this that too early?! I bet everyone felt horrified, I really don't interpret why shall a young nice teenager like her shall have this kind of .. punishment?! For instance, a boy losing her mother when he's preparing for his PSLE. It's so unfair. Sometimes, I really do wonder, what's this word 'justice' for.
I just hope, for one that she, -KNS-NANA, will be happy in heaven, and if she could, shall she tell me is justice the really meaning as it meant.
I can't be used anywhere at all.
I wanted to do my remaining holidays homeworks and yet.. it's so difficult for me to settle down and do them. I mean, do I have anything to settle down anyhow?! When I faced my remaining homeworks, my mind went blank, it's like I don't want to do them, it's like.. TOTAL LIKE THAT I WANT TO FINISH THE HOMEWORKS, HOWEVER , I'M TOO LAZY TO DO THEM! And well, what else can I do than doing homeworks? I just hanged around everywhere, trying to fit myself in. I tried, EVERYTHING! The moment I want to do that stuff, I've thought of the undone homeworks. However, everytime, 'homeworks' was mentioned to me, was saw by me, I'm resembly dodging from it. Anyone, please, tell me the very right way to settle myself. Although, I knew, I'm like you guys too, not reading someone's entries when I went into her blog, however the purpose to their blogs is just to tag them, and makes them tag back. Well, you mightn't read this too, so I don't see why am I asking you how to settle myself :(
Okay, don't ever misunderstood anything. I'm not in expectancy of all your mercy and sympathy. I'm just helping my very own self. RIGHT. I THINK NOBODY CAN HELP ME. IT SHOULD BE... SHOULD BE BEST TO FACE THE HOMEWORKS, STOP DODGING, YOU SILLY LUKEWARM!!
Ahhh!!! Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right!! I'm silly, I'm a total lukewarm to homeworks, ALRIGHT!
I'm going to forget everything tomorrow, I'm going to forget the time I've wasted on trashes, on rubbishes, I'm going to do my homeworks spellboundly, ceaselessly, I'm going to do my homeworks like clockwork, I'm not going to plump into rubbishes and trashes again, I'm going to proceed to homeworks even when I've plump into them, I'm going to alter myself, I'm going to stop my stupid foibles on dodging from homeworks, I'm going to remember nothing that I'm dodging from homeworks, I'm not going to fail tomorrow!!!
Phew, not only did I feel better now after the many precious salivias I've wasted deftly on this, I feel like flying now. WOOSH!
Alright, after this very settlement, is it settled yet?! Oh you will see, I'm going to finish all these little homeworks tomorrow! :D Alright, something smarted me real hurt today. When I was waging my every wasted minutes, I went to the KNS blog. I saw this really hurtful entry. It did smarted me. Of what our leader had rave about how magnificent, gracious, entertaining she is, I don't see why she deserved to pass away! T_T I'm feeling so sullen now, that I've no idea why. She's not anyone related to me, I mean blood related, why am I feeling so sad??Perhaps it's KNS, our guild. We're missing one KNS member. We're having one leaving. :( I don't see why good people always have to .. get something bad. WHY? WHY? WHY? Oh gracious! She's just 19, she's only 19 and isn't this that too early?! I bet everyone felt horrified, I really don't interpret why shall a young nice teenager like her shall have this kind of .. punishment?! For instance, a boy losing her mother when he's preparing for his PSLE. It's so unfair. Sometimes, I really do wonder, what's this word 'justice' for.
I just hope, for one that she, -KNS-NANA, will be happy in heaven, and if she could, shall she tell me is justice the really meaning as it meant.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with relinking ?
Oh gracious! Everyone's critising on every moved blog I did, that now, I felt like moving back to nel-est.blogspot.com . I felt awkward here, hellobuaibuai-d3.blogspot.com , I feel so stupid having this blog url =.= I was so damn horrified, beholding Edlyn's and WanTing's tag. It's like everyone wanted me to overrule my new blogs. Anyhow, this is what I've thought earlier, but now, after the very humoured tag by Edlyn, I felt better =D Although.. I still felt myself guilty of having so many blogs to be relinked. So here's a poll, tell me if I should move back or stay. If I'm ever going to move back... people will have to relink back but the others who hadn't relink shall be happy. If I'm staying , people who've relinked shall be pleasant yet the others would be catty.
HMM! If only I've never create any new url of my blog :(
So, grab your choice to be justice! =)
Oh gracious! Everyone's critising on every moved blog I did, that now, I felt like moving back to nel-est.blogspot.com . I felt awkward here, hellobuaibuai-d3.blogspot.com , I feel so stupid having this blog url =.= I was so damn horrified, beholding Edlyn's and WanTing's tag. It's like everyone wanted me to overrule my new blogs. Anyhow, this is what I've thought earlier, but now, after the very humoured tag by Edlyn, I felt better =D Although.. I still felt myself guilty of having so many blogs to be relinked. So here's a poll, tell me if I should move back or stay. If I'm ever going to move back... people will have to relink back but the others who hadn't relink shall be happy. If I'm staying , people who've relinked shall be pleasant yet the others would be catty.
HMM! If only I've never create any new url of my blog :(
So, grab your choice to be justice! =)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Oh dear... it is so unpleasant for me to come back here, to fight with those dreadful little brave ants. Even me, I have only this little courage to even see those ants crawling around my desk. >< I was beginning to see myself pleasantly at the Singapore Airport when my family, we were arriving Singapore, little did I know these little disgusting ants here, gaining as many as they could. == They were still this little, maybe one or two before we went to Hong Kong and now? Oh my! How many could I be able to possibly count?!
Well, from the above paragraph, you could already figure that? Yes, you're right, my little OH MY girl! Clever as you always is :D Yes, it's very true that I've been in Singapore now!! Oh my, I'd been thinking how my mother and all the other Hong Kong relatives are doing right now, probably celebrating their elegant night for tomorrow's THE CHRISTMAS DAY! It seemed, everything in my mind now showed dead joy. I've thought of being in the Hong Kong's Tsim Sha 'mouth'(don't know the pinyin, translated by missy me! :D) now, how joyful will I be if I'm there now.. looking at every beautiful illumination showed, happily enjoying there, taking those many photos we used to take every year's 24th and 25th. Oh dear me and now, just what am I doing? Having all sorts of bad querimony that I shouldn't have come back..
Anyhow, it's really difficult to settle myself down to come back on such a date! :( But maybe it's shall get me to experience having Christmas in Singapore, maybe... that this is the first ever time experiencing Christmas in Singapore?! Well, it mightn't be that bad as I've said.. Foolish me! :D
Oh dear! My goodness! The tiresome today gave me enough, I've still got a whole lot more to help with this house?!
Oh I'm fainting...
Well, from the above paragraph, you could already figure that? Yes, you're right, my little OH MY girl! Clever as you always is :D Yes, it's very true that I've been in Singapore now!! Oh my, I'd been thinking how my mother and all the other Hong Kong relatives are doing right now, probably celebrating their elegant night for tomorrow's THE CHRISTMAS DAY! It seemed, everything in my mind now showed dead joy. I've thought of being in the Hong Kong's Tsim Sha 'mouth'(don't know the pinyin, translated by missy me! :D) now, how joyful will I be if I'm there now.. looking at every beautiful illumination showed, happily enjoying there, taking those many photos we used to take every year's 24th and 25th. Oh dear me and now, just what am I doing? Having all sorts of bad querimony that I shouldn't have come back..
Anyhow, it's really difficult to settle myself down to come back on such a date! :( But maybe it's shall get me to experience having Christmas in Singapore, maybe... that this is the first ever time experiencing Christmas in Singapore?! Well, it mightn't be that bad as I've said.. Foolish me! :D
Oh dear! My goodness! The tiresome today gave me enough, I've still got a whole lot more to help with this house?!
Oh I'm fainting...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Today's such a lucky day worhh!!
First, at the beginning of the day, -KNS-vixen(Clare), babysilver(Stephanie), -FiR-mUax(Queenie) and me, (-KNS-xNEL (me! see the name know already, no need translation~ :D)). We played audition together. I played the lappy I brought from Singapore and my sister use the Hong Kong destop. I'm so surprised that I did almost every cfm we played together with my laptop! I just miss 1 or 2, or maybe 3. It's such a surprise because that I've been training on 8key these few days and yet my 4key seemed to improve either ://
And another reason makes today's a lucky day, it's because that I've won the GM in STORM THE NIGHT EVENT JUST NOW! JUST RIGHT 5 MINUTES AGO? You see, I've captured
the screenshot just five minutes ago and I've rushed to my blog to only tell you all!! Okay, it's like that, after I played with clare and stephane and queenie , when clare and stephanie said gtg and byes, Queenie saw the notice that this event STORM THE NIGHT is going to start in 15minutes time. So, we quickly exchanged our computers, well I use the destop cause that this is more 'not laggy'. And then next, the first room the GMS created was... I still remember that it's room16. I went in but unluckily, I was the second to watch. The participants in that game in room16 lost by ..erm... it's just close, about 1.5k . Next, the GMS LEAVE THE ROOM and donno go where liaos...
I was trying to catch up with the GMS in the same room and in the join part when suddenly, when the GMS ENDED THEIR 3RD GAME(I THINK), I saw they changing their rooms in the user list and quickly, I got in! Anddd I'M LIKE SO EXCITED!! BECAUSE I GOT INTO THE STAGE PART! WOOHOO! IT'S SUCH AN HONOUR TO PLAY WITH THE GMS AND ALSO IT'S SO TOTALLY LUCKY! You know the room is so squeezy and stuck with the maximum auditioners!
That time when I played, we won the GMS! I think it depends on luck very much, 70% depends on luck to win them.
Then.. still got a lot of lucky things but I can't figure out what.. LOL..
You know, when I'm playing, my hands were shaking like mad...
I've no idea if it's caused by the cold weather here, or is it me.. getting too excited~~
When I won those GMS..
lols.. I thought screaming is for fright..
Don't believe?
Okay, some of you, especially those who had won the GMS before, will think that I'm crazy..
I WON!! :D
First, at the beginning of the day, -KNS-vixen(Clare), babysilver(Stephanie), -FiR-mUax(Queenie) and me, (-KNS-xNEL (me! see the name know already, no need translation~ :D)). We played audition together. I played the lappy I brought from Singapore and my sister use the Hong Kong destop. I'm so surprised that I did almost every cfm we played together with my laptop! I just miss 1 or 2, or maybe 3. It's such a surprise because that I've been training on 8key these few days and yet my 4key seemed to improve either ://
And another reason makes today's a lucky day, it's because that I've won the GM in STORM THE NIGHT EVENT JUST NOW! JUST RIGHT 5 MINUTES AGO? You see, I've captured
the screenshot just five minutes ago and I've rushed to my blog to only tell you all!! Okay, it's like that, after I played with clare and stephane and queenie , when clare and stephanie said gtg and byes, Queenie saw the notice that this event STORM THE NIGHT is going to start in 15minutes time. So, we quickly exchanged our computers, well I use the destop cause that this is more 'not laggy'. And then next, the first room the GMS created was... I still remember that it's room16. I went in but unluckily, I was the second to watch. The participants in that game in room16 lost by ..erm... it's just close, about 1.5k . Next, the GMS LEAVE THE ROOM and donno go where liaos...
I was trying to catch up with the GMS in the same room and in the join part when suddenly, when the GMS ENDED THEIR 3RD GAME(I THINK), I saw they changing their rooms in the user list and quickly, I got in! Anddd I'M LIKE SO EXCITED!! BECAUSE I GOT INTO THE STAGE PART! WOOHOO! IT'S SUCH AN HONOUR TO PLAY WITH THE GMS AND ALSO IT'S SO TOTALLY LUCKY! You know the room is so squeezy and stuck with the maximum auditioners!
That time when I played, we won the GMS! I think it depends on luck very much, 70% depends on luck to win them.
Luck#1: My group got a super pro chainer... the boy there(see in the ss)??
Luck#2: This time round, those finish moves are quite difficult.. total 3 finish moves, I only did 2, and the very one that I didn't do, only 1 person did it, and it's that GM girl (see in the ss).
Luck#3: The song is long?? So we got more time ? 3254 Techno Party, I love you!!!
Then.. still got a lot of lucky things but I can't figure out what.. LOL..
You know, when I'm playing, my hands were shaking like mad...
I've no idea if it's caused by the cold weather here, or is it me.. getting too excited~~
When I won those GMS..
lols.. I thought screaming is for fright..
Don't believe?
Okay, some of you, especially those who had won the GMS before, will think that I'm crazy..
I WON!! :D
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Here to post some photos for my dearest Finella.
Finella! I've promised you, to post photos in Hong Kong and here I'm posting! :D
Oh and by the way these photos are captured in Ocean Park. =D
It's just what the entry I've posted on Dec 07 .
Ohh and I didn't post all the photos because I'm afraid that my blog will 'burst'...
Nora preparing to drive! ;D

WAHH! GOGOGO! THAT'S MY AH GONG ON the merry-go-round.. hahas.



Finella! I've promised you, to post photos in Hong Kong and here I'm posting! :D
Oh and by the way these photos are captured in Ocean Park. =D
It's just what the entry I've posted on Dec 07 .
Ohh and I didn't post all the photos because I'm afraid that my blog will 'burst'...
Nora preparing to drive! ;D
WAHH! GOGOGO! THAT'S MY AH GONG ON the merry-go-round.. hahas.
I'm sixteen!

not the age harhh,
if age , I still need four more years!
It's audition!
You'll realised that I have 'ticked' in my wanted list of the clubber -KNS-xNEL .
I'm so busy these few days..
There's phototaking for my family..
there's the trip to my mother's factory in tai ping (in china de), just happening yesterday..
Today's what day?
What date?
I don't even know.. 19 is it?
ahhh.. my throat's going to break liaos..
I'm really going to cry!!!!
(crying section going on now...)
not the age harhh,
if age , I still need four more years!
It's audition!
You'll realised that I have 'ticked' in my wanted list of the clubber -KNS-xNEL .
I'm so busy these few days..
There's phototaking for my family..
there's the trip to my mother's factory in tai ping (in china de), just happening yesterday..
Today's what day?
What date?
I don't even know.. 19 is it?
ahhh.. my throat's going to break liaos..
I'm really going to cry!!!!
(crying section going on now...)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sorry for the many 'hellos' I typed.. =x
Anyway, anyway..
I've submitted another skin due to my boredom.
Here's the very nice screenshot:

LOLS.. am I in blogskin.com introducing my skin..
Okay anyway, this skin nice mah?
I've wasted quite a time to make this .
hmmm.. maybe 1 hour?
Should be more than that .
I used the background of the current skin-http://www.blogskins.com/info/170957 I'm using and I also inspirate from this skin to make my new skin-http://www.blogskins.com/info/171154 . :D
Not too much that I wanna blog now because I've got to rush to audition later..
I think one week ago orr..
some days ago, my Mom, sisters and I actually wanna go to Queenie and my kindergarten. You know, last time we studied in one kindergarten in Hong Kong, when we were in Primary 2 and 3, we then transferred to Singapore. We wanna go to that kindergarten to visit some of our teachers and principal..
That kindergarten was gone!!!
Why am I still loling when my kindergarten was gone..
I'm supposed to feel sad..
But... feeling upset isn't good for me...
I wondered when had it gone T.T
It all blamed to me not to come here in June Holidays...
Why aren't we coming to Hong Kong in the June Holidays...
Maybe by then we could still their last face?
'zui hou yi mian'
loling again?!
Byes, gotta go~
Sorry for the many 'hellos' I typed.. =x
Anyway, anyway..
I've submitted another skin due to my boredom.
Here's the very nice screenshot:
LOLS.. am I in blogskin.com introducing my skin..
Okay anyway, this skin nice mah?
I've wasted quite a time to make this .
hmmm.. maybe 1 hour?
Should be more than that .
I used the background of the current skin-http://www.blogskins.com/info/170957 I'm using and I also inspirate from this skin to make my new skin-http://www.blogskins.com/info/171154 . :D
Not too much that I wanna blog now because I've got to rush to audition later..
I think one week ago orr..
some days ago, my Mom, sisters and I actually wanna go to Queenie and my kindergarten. You know, last time we studied in one kindergarten in Hong Kong, when we were in Primary 2 and 3, we then transferred to Singapore. We wanna go to that kindergarten to visit some of our teachers and principal..
That kindergarten was gone!!!
Why am I still loling when my kindergarten was gone..
I'm supposed to feel sad..
But... feeling upset isn't good for me...
I wondered when had it gone T.T
It all blamed to me not to come here in June Holidays...
Why aren't we coming to Hong Kong in the June Holidays...
Maybe by then we could still their last face?
'zui hou yi mian'
loling again?!
Byes, gotta go~
Friday, December 07, 2007
Hellos all ,
Notice that I did blog lesser ?
Hong Kong is such a nice place to stay ~
I’m luvin it !
I’m luving it ever since the day I was born !
There’s NO way I’m going to hate it ;x
Okie and I’m not saying that Singapore is …
Anyhow, I’ve been to the Ocean Park recently, the very two days ago ~
Somehow that I felt really !!
Really extremely comfortable in there !
It’s like back to the time..
Back to that time when we went there with our cousins !
It’s so totally nice to go there to feel that feeling !
Though that very two days ago, we went there with our family members but not them(cousins), I still felt that they were just there, playing with us .
You know, Hong Kong’s that end-of-year holidays isn’t in December , so, they are still busying with their school works , that’s why that they weren’t with us the very two days ago , they were at their respective school cause . How I wish that they are having holidays too , then we shall have been together in the Ocean Park ..
Playing our favourite spot !
This is the very spot where we played more than ten times !
(Still searching in the memories)
THAT VERY DAY when we were in the Ocean Park , about 2 years ago , after we played the Eagle where it just spinned us around in four groups … blah blah blah … We were about to feel boring in there when we saw a big total giant ship with a whole loads of people screaming .
At the very beginning, our dearest Charlotte didn’t dare to play and therefore she just had to watch us behind the gate .
EVEN her dearest (that time should be erm.. 5 years old) sister dare to play that game and she (11 years old that year) didn’t even dare to hear our screams .
WE waited for that load of people to finish the game , and when it’s our very turn , I’M SO TOTALLY EXCITED ! AT THE SAME TIME , SCARED ! (This is quite a very secret .. scared.. and yet I’m still daring to play..)
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT.. We climbed into the ship .. and our bravest cousin Abigail climbed onto the side of the ship while Charlotte’s cousin got to the next and Queenie got to the next seat beside her .. while me (should be the most not dare.. or the second most not dare [including Charlotte?]) sat beside my mei meix and the youngest ever, Charlotte’s sister , Brittany got next to me and the very far end , Charlotte’s Phillipine maid .
And this time, Charlotte really wanted to know why were we so addicted in it.. so she took all her braveness she had and stood up !
And she sat in between me and her sister .
After this, she somehow ..
Maybe she really felt fun that she was the first one to say that we were going to play again .
I thought that I’m supposed to talk about the very two days ago’s trip in Ocean Park and not the very two years ago’s …
Anyhow, the very two days’ ago isn’t that interesting compared to the very two years’.
I’ll talk somethings about the very two days’ derh .
I love the swingy thing ..
It’s called the flying swing .
Even our grandfather played this !
Oh and forgot to tell you that our grandfather came too, he came with us, my Dad, Mum, Queenie, Nora, my maid and I. Even our granddad played worhh! He’s already in the 70s .. erh not so old la ~ yap should be.. He played it ! My mum too (not so surprise)! It’s very fun!
My sister, Queenie and I played the crazy galleon again like two years ago.
However this time, we only played three times.
She screamed so loud that her face turned white.. and something about her face made one of the players to take a photo on her ..
BUAIS ! =3
Notice that I did blog lesser ?
Hong Kong is such a nice place to stay ~
I’m luvin it !
I’m luving it ever since the day I was born !
There’s NO way I’m going to hate it ;x
Okie and I’m not saying that Singapore is …
Anyhow, I’ve been to the Ocean Park recently, the very two days ago ~
Somehow that I felt really !!
Really extremely comfortable in there !
It’s like back to the time..
Back to that time when we went there with our cousins !
It’s so totally nice to go there to feel that feeling !
Though that very two days ago, we went there with our family members but not them(cousins), I still felt that they were just there, playing with us .
You know, Hong Kong’s that end-of-year holidays isn’t in December , so, they are still busying with their school works , that’s why that they weren’t with us the very two days ago , they were at their respective school cause . How I wish that they are having holidays too , then we shall have been together in the Ocean Park ..
Playing our favourite spot !
This is the very spot where we played more than ten times !
(Still searching in the memories)
THAT VERY DAY when we were in the Ocean Park , about 2 years ago , after we played the Eagle where it just spinned us around in four groups … blah blah blah … We were about to feel boring in there when we saw a big total giant ship with a whole loads of people screaming .
At the very beginning, our dearest Charlotte didn’t dare to play and therefore she just had to watch us behind the gate .
EVEN her dearest (that time should be erm.. 5 years old) sister dare to play that game and she (11 years old that year) didn’t even dare to hear our screams .
WE waited for that load of people to finish the game , and when it’s our very turn , I’M SO TOTALLY EXCITED ! AT THE SAME TIME , SCARED ! (This is quite a very secret .. scared.. and yet I’m still daring to play..)
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT.. We climbed into the ship .. and our bravest cousin Abigail climbed onto the side of the ship while Charlotte’s cousin got to the next and Queenie got to the next seat beside her .. while me (should be the most not dare.. or the second most not dare [including Charlotte?]) sat beside my mei meix and the youngest ever, Charlotte’s sister , Brittany got next to me and the very far end , Charlotte’s Phillipine maid .
And this time, Charlotte really wanted to know why were we so addicted in it.. so she took all her braveness she had and stood up !
And she sat in between me and her sister .
After this, she somehow ..
Maybe she really felt fun that she was the first one to say that we were going to play again .
I thought that I’m supposed to talk about the very two days ago’s trip in Ocean Park and not the very two years ago’s …
Anyhow, the very two days’ ago isn’t that interesting compared to the very two years’.
I’ll talk somethings about the very two days’ derh .
I love the swingy thing ..
It’s called the flying swing .
Even our grandfather played this !
Oh and forgot to tell you that our grandfather came too, he came with us, my Dad, Mum, Queenie, Nora, my maid and I. Even our granddad played worhh! He’s already in the 70s .. erh not so old la ~ yap should be.. He played it ! My mum too (not so surprise)! It’s very fun!
My sister, Queenie and I played the crazy galleon again like two years ago.
However this time, we only played three times.
She screamed so loud that her face turned white.. and something about her face made one of the players to take a photo on her ..
BUAIS ! =3
Friday, November 30, 2007
I've to prepare a cup of water every minute when my mouth got dry every second !
I've to rub on my hands together to warm them every minute when they got icy every second !
I've to adjust the water to the right temperature every minute when it got too hot or too cold every second !
And ...
That cup of water I'm refering to is just sitting beside me , RIGHT now . ARGH . I've got to refill the water later when I've finished it . And then again . And again I drink it and refill it .
Super troublesome .
My hands were in the 15 degree now .. when it was about the 10 degree the trouble comes again for which I've to rub them .
Whenever it got to 4pm or 5pm, the shower comes . I dragged myself desperately into the bathroom . ARGH . There's this super dooper difficult adjuster .
The adjuster of the water !
Everytime I adjust it to the middle which is the not hot not cold temperature , the water always comes out to be either too hot or too cold . WTF . It just either burns my skin or freezes my skin . It was so totally hard to regulate it to that temperature I want , the 'not hot not cold' temperature . I only got to regulate it to that proper temperature I wanted once or twice in my whole entire life ! I still remember once when December holidays comes and I came to my house and into the bathroom , it was in the year 2005, I was trying so hard to adjust it properly and then finally I DID it !
I jumped so high when I DID it that I almost broke my personal record .. and that's when I almost broke my personal record in how I slip in the bathroom :X
Shuang xi lin men . // Double blessed .
I only remember that I did it that time however, I just have a total blank sheet of whiteness in my mind of how I did it .. wtf .. if only I didn't broke my records for jumping and slipping which banged on my head , then I'll still have an 80% of chance in remembering how I did it and now, I won't be suffering in the bathroom .
I'm getting happier however . 'Cause that today I'm going to stay overnight in Abigail's house ! Then , I won't be dragging myself into the bathroom ! :DDDD
Andd I'll be able to see her ! To play with her ! Play ?! Maybe now that she doesn't play anymore for that we were growing up ! Or that maybe she played , umm .. audition too ?! I'm desperately wanting to go there urgently !
You see the previous entry I've typed , I've missed out something which is that that day , my ah mei and I asked Charlotte if she played audition and she said yes . YES! HAHAS .. She's still a novice , level 8 ! LMAO . But but but.. at least she's level 8 and she knows how to play ! =D
(Don't mistaken that I'm proud , I'm just too happy to know that she plays audition ! :D)
I wished that we could play together .. however she's playing the Hong Kong version .. and we are playing the Singapore version .. I've no idea if we could login our Singapore version username in the Hong Kong version .
Or else ..
I should create an account in the Hong Kong version . :DD
Ohh and I almost missed out one thing :
I've to go to the toilet every minute when my mouth got wet every second ! XD
I've to prepare a cup of water every minute when my mouth got dry every second !
I've to rub on my hands together to warm them every minute when they got icy every second !
I've to adjust the water to the right temperature every minute when it got too hot or too cold every second !
And ...
That cup of water I'm refering to is just sitting beside me , RIGHT now . ARGH . I've got to refill the water later when I've finished it . And then again . And again I drink it and refill it .
Super troublesome .
My hands were in the 15 degree now .. when it was about the 10 degree the trouble comes again for which I've to rub them .
Whenever it got to 4pm or 5pm, the shower comes . I dragged myself desperately into the bathroom . ARGH . There's this super dooper difficult adjuster .
The adjuster of the water !
Everytime I adjust it to the middle which is the not hot not cold temperature , the water always comes out to be either too hot or too cold . WTF . It just either burns my skin or freezes my skin . It was so totally hard to regulate it to that temperature I want , the 'not hot not cold' temperature . I only got to regulate it to that proper temperature I wanted once or twice in my whole entire life ! I still remember once when December holidays comes and I came to my house and into the bathroom , it was in the year 2005, I was trying so hard to adjust it properly and then finally I DID it !
I jumped so high when I DID it that I almost broke my personal record .. and that's when I almost broke my personal record in how I slip in the bathroom :X
Shuang xi lin men . // Double blessed .
I only remember that I did it that time however, I just have a total blank sheet of whiteness in my mind of how I did it .. wtf .. if only I didn't broke my records for jumping and slipping which banged on my head , then I'll still have an 80% of chance in remembering how I did it and now, I won't be suffering in the bathroom .
I'm getting happier however . 'Cause that today I'm going to stay overnight in Abigail's house ! Then , I won't be dragging myself into the bathroom ! :DDDD
Andd I'll be able to see her ! To play with her ! Play ?! Maybe now that she doesn't play anymore for that we were growing up ! Or that maybe she played , umm .. audition too ?! I'm desperately wanting to go there urgently !
You see the previous entry I've typed , I've missed out something which is that that day , my ah mei and I asked Charlotte if she played audition and she said yes . YES! HAHAS .. She's still a novice , level 8 ! LMAO . But but but.. at least she's level 8 and she knows how to play ! =D
(Don't mistaken that I'm proud , I'm just too happy to know that she plays audition ! :D)
I wished that we could play together .. however she's playing the Hong Kong version .. and we are playing the Singapore version .. I've no idea if we could login our Singapore version username in the Hong Kong version .
Or else ..
I should create an account in the Hong Kong version . :DD
Ohh and I almost missed out one thing :
I've to go to the toilet every minute when my mouth got wet every second ! XD
Weeees ~
Harlos ~
I'm here to post some photos ~
So that I can commemorate the next time when I read this entry . :D
We went to one exhibition yesterday of the disney movie, Monster, Inc.
It's nothing much though.
You just have to donate some money and then you can go in.
The reason we went in is because that my babysister wanted to ride on the tootoo train.
And all these are the photos I took yesterday :
Nora adjusting the channel : (fake derh adjuster , LOL . )

Nora touching the smelly feet of Mike Wazowski :x :

Nora and BOO! :

And one more picture :
I'm here to post some photos ~
So that I can commemorate the next time when I read this entry . :D
We went to one exhibition yesterday of the disney movie, Monster, Inc.
It's nothing much though.
You just have to donate some money and then you can go in.
The reason we went in is because that my babysister wanted to ride on the tootoo train.
And all these are the photos I took yesterday :
Nora adjusting the channel : (fake derh adjuster , LOL . )
Nora touching the smelly feet of Mike Wazowski :x :
Nora and BOO! :
And one more picture :
This is not in the exhibition derh worhh!
It's supposed to be a screenshot but I took it in my camera as the screenshot button is spoiled.
You see what we are doing is just standing there.
Because of the lag!
The two non KNS people dc liao and left with the four KNS people.
We just stood there and chat.
And then when it ended, I mean when the time was at the 0.00 we then dc together.
Quite fun ~
And the girl in my team is my audi jiex! =D
LOL and if you look at this picture for a long time you will discover two heads ..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I'm like dodging from blogging these few days.. This sounds so funny right? Who will ever eschew anything like blogging??!! Anyhow, I've no idea why that I'm doing this either. It all sounds so weird.. I mean.. yeah weird, it's simply weird.
Well I'm so happy now! Why so? You should know! Notice something? Okay, you might notice some other things like the changed blogskin but I'm not referring to that. I'll give you a hint. Something in my wanted list. Got it? Don't tell me that you still don't get it! ==" Alright, maybe you're not that smart.. I'm finally in Hong Kong!!! I'm so happy about that! :DDD ... Do you feel that I'm acting happy?? Or am I really happy.. LOL... is it funny?? ... haizzz.. Oh and by the way why I changed my blogskin is because that I don't feel good using my own skin, it's better to use finella's. I just fairly love her skins! And virtually feel good when I used her skins, very comfortable.. Oh and yeah, using my own skins is like showing off so I've cut down that habit of being proud by using people's blogskins and delete that divder in the sidebar headed, "My Latest Skin".
Anyway, these few days I'm not only dodging from blogging, my blog is like it's already dead these few days.. GUESS WHY? Yes, one reason is that I've not blogged. The other is.. Ever since Yi Xuan had tagged me, I mean that day, since that day, my blog is like dead! Okie, Yi Xuan, I'm not in accordance with you, I mean not zhen dui you. It's no offence, yx. It's just that day, I mean why I never say that day when Ivy tagged is because she almost tagged me everyday, so it's ordinary. But it's extraordinary for you as you don't tag me that often. Okay okay.. I'm not saying that you scared away all my taggers.. I'm just suspicious about it, why that my blog seemed like dead ever since you tagged that day. Dots.. I've been repeating my blog seemed like dead hundreds time.. all over again and again.. =.= Okay.. nevermind. I'm very opened, it's very okay for me if no one care to tag.. alright alright.. erhh.. just ignore everything I've said above, I needa said another 'haizzz' again..
Yesterday, I've went to the usual place where all my cousins meet and their parents who are my aunts and uncles... Everyone went there because of my dad's grandfather's rote. I mean he died on the 40 something years ago's yesterday. Get what I mean? I'm totally complicated.. Alright, we assembled there and only one person never come and she's my dearest cousin Abigail.. Compared to all the other cousins, I like her the best because she's the only one who I can communicate easily with. I mean she, who's same age as Queenie, gets to communicate with us, Queenie and I but not like my the other cousin who's secondary 1 ,next year secondary 2, she's like thinks that we are studying in Singapore and she's in Hong Kong so we're different.. dots.. But well, she, that secondary cousin, named Charlotte, she's totally changed! Not that she communicates with us easily now, no way.. She's different in the way she dressed. Last time, she's always nicknamed after 'nan ren po', now she's a lot prettier, not like tomboy and things. She's much much much better now, with a rebonded hair, with tying her hair up, with everything.. but well, she's still acting like tomboy though.. I mean she's still acting but well, it's better though, I mean she's not as tomboy as she is in the past.
And yesterday, Queenie showed Charlotte that RK house video and she laughed like mad. Especially that one which there's the volume thingy, the scolding parts, it's damn totally funny! Okay, I'll post that video. Wait for a minuite.. I'll go and get the code. Yup.. Here:
WAHH.. she's like totally mad.. laughing at it.. her face seemed to turn red.. Or maybe that you guessed right, she has changed something too.. of not looking down on Singapore.
mmm.. I wished I can see Abigail soon! Oh yeah, it's Abigail's brother's birthday on Saturday, I'll be able to see her very soon!
Well I'm so happy now! Why so? You should know! Notice something? Okay, you might notice some other things like the changed blogskin but I'm not referring to that. I'll give you a hint. Something in my wanted list. Got it? Don't tell me that you still don't get it! ==" Alright, maybe you're not that smart.. I'm finally in Hong Kong!!! I'm so happy about that! :DDD ... Do you feel that I'm acting happy?? Or am I really happy.. LOL... is it funny?? ... haizzz.. Oh and by the way why I changed my blogskin is because that I don't feel good using my own skin, it's better to use finella's. I just fairly love her skins! And virtually feel good when I used her skins, very comfortable.. Oh and yeah, using my own skins is like showing off so I've cut down that habit of being proud by using people's blogskins and delete that divder in the sidebar headed, "My Latest Skin".
Anyway, these few days I'm not only dodging from blogging, my blog is like it's already dead these few days.. GUESS WHY? Yes, one reason is that I've not blogged. The other is.. Ever since Yi Xuan had tagged me, I mean that day, since that day, my blog is like dead! Okie, Yi Xuan, I'm not in accordance with you, I mean not zhen dui you. It's no offence, yx. It's just that day, I mean why I never say that day when Ivy tagged is because she almost tagged me everyday, so it's ordinary. But it's extraordinary for you as you don't tag me that often. Okay okay.. I'm not saying that you scared away all my taggers.. I'm just suspicious about it, why that my blog seemed like dead ever since you tagged that day. Dots.. I've been repeating my blog seemed like dead hundreds time.. all over again and again.. =.= Okay.. nevermind. I'm very opened, it's very okay for me if no one care to tag.. alright alright.. erhh.. just ignore everything I've said above, I needa said another 'haizzz' again..
Yesterday, I've went to the usual place where all my cousins meet and their parents who are my aunts and uncles... Everyone went there because of my dad's grandfather's rote. I mean he died on the 40 something years ago's yesterday. Get what I mean? I'm totally complicated.. Alright, we assembled there and only one person never come and she's my dearest cousin Abigail.. Compared to all the other cousins, I like her the best because she's the only one who I can communicate easily with. I mean she, who's same age as Queenie, gets to communicate with us, Queenie and I but not like my the other cousin who's secondary 1 ,next year secondary 2, she's like thinks that we are studying in Singapore and she's in Hong Kong so we're different.. dots.. But well, she, that secondary cousin, named Charlotte, she's totally changed! Not that she communicates with us easily now, no way.. She's different in the way she dressed. Last time, she's always nicknamed after 'nan ren po', now she's a lot prettier, not like tomboy and things. She's much much much better now, with a rebonded hair, with tying her hair up, with everything.. but well, she's still acting like tomboy though.. I mean she's still acting but well, it's better though, I mean she's not as tomboy as she is in the past.
And yesterday, Queenie showed Charlotte that RK house video and she laughed like mad. Especially that one which there's the volume thingy, the scolding parts, it's damn totally funny! Okay, I'll post that video. Wait for a minuite.. I'll go and get the code. Yup.. Here:
WAHH.. she's like totally mad.. laughing at it.. her face seemed to turn red.. Or maybe that you guessed right, she has changed something too.. of not looking down on Singapore.
mmm.. I wished I can see Abigail soon! Oh yeah, it's Abigail's brother's birthday on Saturday, I'll be able to see her very soon!
Monday, November 19, 2007
As you see, I've created another divider at the side, heading, 'Latest Skin'. Well, I've been blogskinning lately. I've been hoping for a SOTD for that skin but too bad, actually before today's SOTD was announced, I already know that I can't get SOTD. It's because that there's two recent SOTD skinner who have updated a skin on the same day as the skin I've been working recently. I've faved one of the skins of these two blogskinners which is that one by thatphobia. Well, today's skin of the day goes to my favest blogskinner's skin, fish_fries' skin. I'm not sad about it, I'm feeling happy for her! Congratualation, my favest! :D
If you had read my wishlist where the header is, 'Wanted', I've one wish about a surprise for my 1-year-old bloggie. And actually what I've been working lately on is the surprise! Have a look at my latest skin and comment on it~ Sometimes when I looked at it, it seems really pretty but sometimes I'd thought that it's quite noob. Nonetheless, I still like that skin and if sometimes later, I'd like that skin more than this skin, "Speechless", if I like my latest skin more than this Speechless skin, I'll change it to that skin I made. IF.
There's 11 people faving my latest skin currently.. I hope that this skin will break the record of the skin in my old account, 'My World' which has 18 people faving currently.
Heys the holidays homeworks are so I'm not going to do them.. They are so not my taste! Those homeworks are only from Chinese and Maths.. I want English and Science homeworks! :(
Oh and I forgot.. the surprise- http://www.blogskins.com/info/166531
It's the present for my bloggie!
The birthday gift!
"Bloggie, you're 1-year-old! You must learn how to walk and talk! :D"
"Yes, mother. Thank You, mother!" is what she meant when she replied with a cry.
If you had read my wishlist where the header is, 'Wanted', I've one wish about a surprise for my 1-year-old bloggie. And actually what I've been working lately on is the surprise! Have a look at my latest skin and comment on it~ Sometimes when I looked at it, it seems really pretty but sometimes I'd thought that it's quite noob. Nonetheless, I still like that skin and if sometimes later, I'd like that skin more than this skin, "Speechless", if I like my latest skin more than this Speechless skin, I'll change it to that skin I made. IF.
There's 11 people faving my latest skin currently.. I hope that this skin will break the record of the skin in my old account, 'My World' which has 18 people faving currently.
Heys the holidays homeworks are so I'm not going to do them.. They are so not my taste! Those homeworks are only from Chinese and Maths.. I want English and Science homeworks! :(
Oh and I forgot.. the surprise- http://www.blogskins.com/info/166531
It's the present for my bloggie!
The birthday gift!
"Bloggie, you're 1-year-old! You must learn how to walk and talk! :D"
"Yes, mother. Thank You, mother!" is what she meant when she replied with a cry.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The BIG day!!
The BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG day is going to arrive!!
And tomorrow will be this REAL big day!
My blog's going to be 1-year-old TOMORROW!
I'm so excited in celebrating this big day and why I called this a 5x big day is because that..
Well, those babies, I mean that when they reach 1-year-old, their parents will always be so celebrating it like mad, like it's a 5x big day, so I'm going to do just like them.
Okie, bloggie, you'll be 1-year-old tomorrow!
(no reply.. :cry:)
-.- It's all babies do, cry!
Alright, enough nonesense.
Here's what I did like last time when my 12-year-old birthday is coming,
the countdown!
And tomorrow will be this REAL big day!
My blog's going to be 1-year-old TOMORROW!
I'm so excited in celebrating this big day and why I called this a 5x big day is because that..
Well, those babies, I mean that when they reach 1-year-old, their parents will always be so celebrating it like mad, like it's a 5x big day, so I'm going to do just like them.
Okie, bloggie, you'll be 1-year-old tomorrow!
(no reply.. :cry:)
-.- It's all babies do, cry!
Alright, enough nonesense.
Here's what I did like last time when my 12-year-old birthday is coming,
the countdown!
![]() ![]() | ![]() |
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Everything! ..
is it?
Maybe just somethings..
they are just ruinning my life!
But I'm not going to tell those stupid 'ruins' as they are just too offensive to tell! :XX I hate it when I've got to be so secretive!! Although I'll still share this offensive ruins, I'll still be able to stop myself right in time.. !! ARGH!! My cheeks are getting hotter! These ruins aren't only offensive, it's because of offensive that that's why I can't tell and when I can't tell, these things just stuck in my brain!! I'm gonna tell it! NO! .. Alright, let's talk about something else than this F thing! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
My new class in 2008 is 6Patience! It's all better than my this year's idiotic class! :x Though that I've wanted not to stay in the second class for the following year.. It's better as in that all the people in 6P next year are so much better than those from 5Patience this year.. ! OH YAY! Those noisiness are gone forever! They are spread to other next year's class! Especially 6K! You should know who I'm talking about.. So much for me to tolerate the noise this year! I'M LIKE BEING FREE NOW! I'M FREE!!!!
Talk about free, my audition is still a freedom.. You don't expect me to get to a clubber in such a short period of time, do you?? Don't answer me YES! -.- Anyway I've got to level 13! It's like I'm leveling once a week. I've got to level 12 just one week after I've got to level 11, and now I've got to level 13 just one week after I've got to level 12! FAST.. BUT TOO FAST!! So fast that I hardly even improved in the keys.. So, I'm going to slow down the period of time to get EXP. Anyhow, today's such an unlucky day. Unlike last week when I got to level 12, I've got to level 12 in two tries. And today? I've only passed in four tries! Actually, I should already been passed in the first try! I've wasted so many money to go for the next three licence! As I'm too 'hurry-scurry' at that time in the first try! At the last few steps, at about 20 seconds before it ends, an fm appeared to me, I've only left with 20K to pass! And surely that fm and some other steps could make them to 0 right? At that fm part, I'm just too.. excited! I just missed that fm.. !! Thinking of it now make me ARGH again..
6Patience.. I'm like returning to 4D.. It's like a gathering of all 4D people.. Sharmiew is with me in this class and I'm so happy! Just someone else came to this class that ruins my life of what I've typed in the first paragraph.. And Serene! She's in 6Patience! I'm so happy to know that.. but maybe not for her.. She will wished that she's in 6R.. I felt so sorry for her ~! :(
I'd like to know who's the form teacher of 6P next year! x333
Everything! ..
is it?
Maybe just somethings..
they are just ruinning my life!
But I'm not going to tell those stupid 'ruins' as they are just too offensive to tell! :XX I hate it when I've got to be so secretive!! Although I'll still share this offensive ruins, I'll still be able to stop myself right in time.. !! ARGH!! My cheeks are getting hotter! These ruins aren't only offensive, it's because of offensive that that's why I can't tell and when I can't tell, these things just stuck in my brain!! I'm gonna tell it! NO! .. Alright, let's talk about something else than this F thing! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
My new class in 2008 is 6Patience! It's all better than my this year's idiotic class! :x Though that I've wanted not to stay in the second class for the following year.. It's better as in that all the people in 6P next year are so much better than those from 5Patience this year.. ! OH YAY! Those noisiness are gone forever! They are spread to other next year's class! Especially 6K! You should know who I'm talking about.. So much for me to tolerate the noise this year! I'M LIKE BEING FREE NOW! I'M FREE!!!!
Talk about free, my audition is still a freedom.. You don't expect me to get to a clubber in such a short period of time, do you?? Don't answer me YES! -.- Anyway I've got to level 13! It's like I'm leveling once a week. I've got to level 12 just one week after I've got to level 11, and now I've got to level 13 just one week after I've got to level 12! FAST.. BUT TOO FAST!! So fast that I hardly even improved in the keys.. So, I'm going to slow down the period of time to get EXP. Anyhow, today's such an unlucky day. Unlike last week when I got to level 12, I've got to level 12 in two tries. And today? I've only passed in four tries! Actually, I should already been passed in the first try! I've wasted so many money to go for the next three licence! As I'm too 'hurry-scurry' at that time in the first try! At the last few steps, at about 20 seconds before it ends, an fm appeared to me, I've only left with 20K to pass! And surely that fm and some other steps could make them to 0 right? At that fm part, I'm just too.. excited! I just missed that fm.. !! Thinking of it now make me ARGH again..
6Patience.. I'm like returning to 4D.. It's like a gathering of all 4D people.. Sharmiew is with me in this class and I'm so happy! Just someone else came to this class that ruins my life of what I've typed in the first paragraph.. And Serene! She's in 6Patience! I'm so happy to know that.. but maybe not for her.. She will wished that she's in 6R.. I felt so sorry for her ~! :(
I'd like to know who's the form teacher of 6P next year! x333
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Hey you! Love the new blogskin that I'm having now? Well, I just simply love it! The blogskinner is just my 'favest' blogskinner! :muakkkksss:!!
Anyhow, I'm here to post another entry on my recent big thing which is that I've been absent for in the school days that all of you know about the Chinese Orchestra training camp! I've got the last day to meet with my those other 'campers' who are in the group, cello bass yesterday for the performance. It's not only a 'last day', it's also the 'big' day, the most important day compared to all the other days for the campers and the tirest day ever because of the 12 hour stay. This last day is really great! I finally got my courage to ask Clare, one of the campers for her audition level. OMG. I'm so timid and shy that I had only asked her this on the last day! But at least that I know the answer now and it's not of when I asked, I mean I'll still get the same answer right? Another OMG, Oh my god! It's such coincident that she has just reached till level 12 too! And on this last day, I also got more ever courage than I'd wanted to have to chat with other friends. I don't get it anyhow, why is my courage only coming into me on this very last day?! But maybe it's right, or should I say that it's just got on time.. It's right to tell me that I'm too shy and anything negative like this. I've another friend who is a camper, she gave me her MSN and I gave her my handphone number. At the very beginning, since that she had not bring her bag to the back stage area where we were preparing for the last performance and stuff, which her handphone was in her bag, we had no idea how to add each other into our contact list. And which since that she had forgotten her handphone number, I mean that she has a little confusion of whether the second number is supposed to be a '0' or a '2', it's even more difficult for us to add each other's number. I've asked her if she got a pen so that we can write down however, her pen was in her bag. It's all because of this important bag! And then I've no idea how to add.. and then she has an idea, she gave my handphone number to Clare who had her handphone in hand, and then when she, the other friend whose named Wen Jie got her bag, she will asked Clare for the number and that's IT! It's got easier than what I'm confusing in thoughts. And then I've got an idea to note down her MSN in my handphone, such a cloned idea..
By the way.. I've been accused yesterday. When I've got to the back stage which was when I've performed as a student for my school, I brought the bass bow from my school and my bag. I put these things down on the floor beside a Kong Hwa boy who's that funny one that I had mentioned in one previous post, his name is Gao Chong but everyone called him a nickname called, 'Stella' that I've no idea why so. Anyway I got to the changing room to change to the t-shirt which is for the combined practice of the east zone schools which I've been to the camp for. After that, I got back and this Stella had then screamed, "I've lost my bow!" He pointed at my bow on the floor and said, "This is my bow!" I said no and said that it's from my school. And then Clare, Wen Jie and some other Kong Hwa pupils asked Stella why he thinks that it's his bow. He said that the part down there of his bow which you placed your fingers on is brown and mine is also brown, so it's his bow.. Clare then said, "I remember that part of your bow is brown but it's not this brown." She pointed to my bow. And I asked him if his bow has some broken parts, however, he shook his head. I showed him the broken part at the end of the bow and he showed no expression. Half an hour later.. or is it one hour later or.. two hours later.. Just some hours later, when we were still busy helping Stella to search for the bow, suddenly a student helper came running in ,held out a bow and asked who's bow does that belong to. Stella then felt a little ashame of that quite 'accuse'.
Anyhow, he might be revenging of one thing that I did to him. I think it's on Thursday, when we were combining practice. One girl from cello had tried to put a scotch tape on his chair which the sticky part is facing up and the plan was that then the scotch tape will be sticking on his butt when he sat on it. This girl, named Ru Hui from Kong Hwa too was caught by Stella doing that. I asked if I can helped as I sat beside Stella and it'll will be easier to put the scotch tape. Right after the break when he was going to sit, (he always checked the chair first before he sat), I hadn't put the scotch tape yet. When he's relieved that nothing was on his chair and wanted to sit down, suddenly Ru Hui pulled out a game boy from her bag and Stella was attracted to it. He stood up and asked Ru Hui who was not far away to lend him the game boy. I then swinged into action to put the scotch tape on his chair. He, I think he just got too excited to play the game, had sat down on the chair without checking. The scotch tape then, got sticked! He probably felt something sticked on his butt, and then he tore it out and threw it. Ru Hui and I who were watching laughed like mad. He's mad at that minute though after that minute he got to the game in Ru Hui's game boy.
Anyhow, I'm here to post another entry on my recent big thing which is that I've been absent for in the school days that all of you know about the Chinese Orchestra training camp! I've got the last day to meet with my those other 'campers' who are in the group, cello bass yesterday for the performance. It's not only a 'last day', it's also the 'big' day, the most important day compared to all the other days for the campers and the tirest day ever because of the 12 hour stay. This last day is really great! I finally got my courage to ask Clare, one of the campers for her audition level. OMG. I'm so timid and shy that I had only asked her this on the last day! But at least that I know the answer now and it's not of when I asked, I mean I'll still get the same answer right? Another OMG, Oh my god! It's such coincident that she has just reached till level 12 too! And on this last day, I also got more ever courage than I'd wanted to have to chat with other friends. I don't get it anyhow, why is my courage only coming into me on this very last day?! But maybe it's right, or should I say that it's just got on time.. It's right to tell me that I'm too shy and anything negative like this. I've another friend who is a camper, she gave me her MSN and I gave her my handphone number. At the very beginning, since that she had not bring her bag to the back stage area where we were preparing for the last performance and stuff, which her handphone was in her bag, we had no idea how to add each other into our contact list. And which since that she had forgotten her handphone number, I mean that she has a little confusion of whether the second number is supposed to be a '0' or a '2', it's even more difficult for us to add each other's number. I've asked her if she got a pen so that we can write down however, her pen was in her bag. It's all because of this important bag! And then I've no idea how to add.. and then she has an idea, she gave my handphone number to Clare who had her handphone in hand, and then when she, the other friend whose named Wen Jie got her bag, she will asked Clare for the number and that's IT! It's got easier than what I'm confusing in thoughts. And then I've got an idea to note down her MSN in my handphone, such a cloned idea..
By the way.. I've been accused yesterday. When I've got to the back stage which was when I've performed as a student for my school, I brought the bass bow from my school and my bag. I put these things down on the floor beside a Kong Hwa boy who's that funny one that I had mentioned in one previous post, his name is Gao Chong but everyone called him a nickname called, 'Stella' that I've no idea why so. Anyway I got to the changing room to change to the t-shirt which is for the combined practice of the east zone schools which I've been to the camp for. After that, I got back and this Stella had then screamed, "I've lost my bow!" He pointed at my bow on the floor and said, "This is my bow!" I said no and said that it's from my school. And then Clare, Wen Jie and some other Kong Hwa pupils asked Stella why he thinks that it's his bow. He said that the part down there of his bow which you placed your fingers on is brown and mine is also brown, so it's his bow.. Clare then said, "I remember that part of your bow is brown but it's not this brown." She pointed to my bow. And I asked him if his bow has some broken parts, however, he shook his head. I showed him the broken part at the end of the bow and he showed no expression. Half an hour later.. or is it one hour later or.. two hours later.. Just some hours later, when we were still busy helping Stella to search for the bow, suddenly a student helper came running in ,held out a bow and asked who's bow does that belong to. Stella then felt a little ashame of that quite 'accuse'.
Anyhow, he might be revenging of one thing that I did to him. I think it's on Thursday, when we were combining practice. One girl from cello had tried to put a scotch tape on his chair which the sticky part is facing up and the plan was that then the scotch tape will be sticking on his butt when he sat on it. This girl, named Ru Hui from Kong Hwa too was caught by Stella doing that. I asked if I can helped as I sat beside Stella and it'll will be easier to put the scotch tape. Right after the break when he was going to sit, (he always checked the chair first before he sat), I hadn't put the scotch tape yet. When he's relieved that nothing was on his chair and wanted to sit down, suddenly Ru Hui pulled out a game boy from her bag and Stella was attracted to it. He stood up and asked Ru Hui who was not far away to lend him the game boy. I then swinged into action to put the scotch tape on his chair. He, I think he just got too excited to play the game, had sat down on the chair without checking. The scotch tape then, got sticked! He probably felt something sticked on his butt, and then he tore it out and threw it. Ru Hui and I who were watching laughed like mad. He's mad at that minute though after that minute he got to the game in Ru Hui's game boy.
It's so fun to go to the camp, I love it!! I wished that I could go next year as the others had spoke that they would be going in a chance of 80%.
Oh and one more thing! I finally did an 8key finish move! It's my first ever 8key finish move! How precious it is! The song is 100bpm.. slow right? But at least that it's not 90 bpm! :D
Oh and one more thing! I finally did an 8key finish move! It's my first ever 8key finish move! How precious it is! The song is 100bpm.. slow right? But at least that it's not 90 bpm! :D
Although everyone can do it, I'm still relieved! As it's my first 8k finish move! It's precious! Ahhh.. I'm so sorry that I'm a little small in the screenshot, as I can't get the right angle to capture the screenshot! You may clicked on the image to have a clearer look. ;]]
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
0.0 I think I post too many videos..
0.0 I think I post too many videos..
I found another Hong Kong audition video!
It's played by a Hong Kong star!!
Though some people say that she's noob..
but there's still so many people watching..
Look at the list where people are watching..
She's the cutey who wear red all the way and white hair..
Here's the video:
And again the url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uygIhd9sbmo
I found another Hong Kong audition video!
It's played by a Hong Kong star!!
Though some people say that she's noob..
but there's still so many people watching..
Look at the list where people are watching..
She's the cutey who wear red all the way and white hair..
Here's the video:
And again the url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uygIhd9sbmo
This is a video of the Hong Kong audition!!
I don't even know that there's audition in Hong Kong..
Such a shame for me to be Hong Konger..
The song a bit lame..
If you don't know how to read traditional Chinese which is shown on the first page of the video, it's actually telling us about the guild, 'evil' gathering together on 28th July.. can't really see it clearly.. erhh.. the video is telling us why they named their guild as 'evil' and it's because that 'evil' has the.. erm.. 'yi qi' which is 义气 and the name is cool and.. hope that we will support them.
I love the effect of the video.
Those like black and white and the.. sound of a click when it got bright..
Enjoy the video! >.<
Since my blog has a background music in it, you may watch the video in the youtube web instead of my my blog.
Here's the url:
don't misunderstand that I'm supporting 'evil', I'm supporting 'KNS'!!
I missed school!!
Although I missed school, I didn't go back to class when I had come back from Dunman High, I don't want to go.. as I'm totally TIRED after this tiring camp!!
Tired of standing with the double bass!
I've stood up with the double bass all day long, and although that I do, sit, I still feel tiring!!
That's why, to those training camp people, you always see me sitting down, that's because that I'm tired!!
Everytime when I get a chance to sit, this chance is totally precious!!
You see, I've transfered from cello to double bass because that double bass needs people and that there's too many people in cello.
There's lots of other reasons too of missing school.. like that because that I hadn't finish doing some work assigned so I didn't go back to class in case the teacher forced me to hand those work in.. NOPE! I just don't want to go back, not 'didn't go back'.. and that's because I didn't bring those work I didn't do and in case blah blah blahssszzxx...
I missed school for only one reason, oh and don't misunderstand, my this 'miss' stand for not atteding the class, not missing of the other meaning - I hadn't know anything new yet.. get what I mean? I mean that like that chinese class of whether I'll stay in higher Chinese next year a not and those things that I still have no idea of.. I felt so.. umm.. I felt that I'm so helpless and don't know anything and nerd?!
I've gone to the camp, I quite love the camp though that I felt so relaxing and happy everyday when the camp had finished.
There, in Dunman High with other east-zone schools like Dao Lan, Kong Hwa... DAO LAN AND KONG HWA!!
Guess why that I'm so suddened?! Since that these pupils from these schools in the group of instruments I'm in are so funny... I mean they are just not normal people in the group. Some are funny, some are very professional and some are.. they are just not very normal. There's one girl from Kong Hwa whose named Clare (too), she played audition!! But I hadn't ask her her username and things.. I asked her to send me a song, the 3420 Techno Party, did I spelled it correctly? or is it 3421? or 342.. something.. But that song is recorded, I can record myself easily too.. I'd thought that it's the clear sound, the MP3 kind of format.
The funny pupils are the boys from Dao Lan and Kong Hwa.. ALWAYS! @_@ Boys!! One of them, from Kong Hwa, he saw a hole in the shorts of one boy from another school, and point to it, he almost shout, "There's a hole here! (gigling)" using the bow to point at the hole. All the pupils around, including me looked at it and laughed.. The boy with the hole then covered it. We can't stop from laughing.. although we had certainly stopped sometimes later..
The other one from Dao Lan is a Primary 3 cute boy. This funny joke happened today. As Dao Lan today, erm.. I think they came later for some reasons. When combine practice came, this boy's double bass is still in the room where we practice sectionally, as he's late, so he forgot to get the bass to the combined practice room from the sectional practice room. He's so good!! The bass only arrived at about 4 and we ended at 4.30!! I've no idea why so. I think the 'da ge ge' had somehow forgot to get the bass, when the boy had asked for it at 1pm. And during the time when he waited, he somehow got asleep and slept on the floor with the casing of the double bass as a pillow.. He slept and slept.. until that our 3o'clock break is over, he's still asleep. Only when we awoke him, by shaking him after our break at around 3.30pm. I'd thought he's dead before he awoke (jkjk!) :XX He's not.. I'd thought because people like me, slept with movements, I mean if I sleep, I'll move here and there, but not just sleep at one position, I always changed positions. So I'd thought that so..
Maybe these jokes aren't funny.. there's still more.. but I think you mind really much for me to post a long post..
So, good bye!
Take care x33
Although I missed school, I didn't go back to class when I had come back from Dunman High, I don't want to go.. as I'm totally TIRED after this tiring camp!!
Tired of standing with the double bass!
I've stood up with the double bass all day long, and although that I do, sit, I still feel tiring!!
That's why, to those training camp people, you always see me sitting down, that's because that I'm tired!!
Everytime when I get a chance to sit, this chance is totally precious!!
You see, I've transfered from cello to double bass because that double bass needs people and that there's too many people in cello.
There's lots of other reasons too of missing school.. like that because that I hadn't finish doing some work assigned so I didn't go back to class in case the teacher forced me to hand those work in.. NOPE! I just don't want to go back, not 'didn't go back'.. and that's because I didn't bring those work I didn't do and in case blah blah blahssszzxx...
I missed school for only one reason, oh and don't misunderstand, my this 'miss' stand for not atteding the class, not missing of the other meaning - I hadn't know anything new yet.. get what I mean? I mean that like that chinese class of whether I'll stay in higher Chinese next year a not and those things that I still have no idea of.. I felt so.. umm.. I felt that I'm so helpless and don't know anything and nerd?!
I've gone to the camp, I quite love the camp though that I felt so relaxing and happy everyday when the camp had finished.
There, in Dunman High with other east-zone schools like Dao Lan, Kong Hwa... DAO LAN AND KONG HWA!!
Guess why that I'm so suddened?! Since that these pupils from these schools in the group of instruments I'm in are so funny... I mean they are just not normal people in the group. Some are funny, some are very professional and some are.. they are just not very normal. There's one girl from Kong Hwa whose named Clare (too), she played audition!! But I hadn't ask her her username and things.. I asked her to send me a song, the 3420 Techno Party, did I spelled it correctly? or is it 3421? or 342.. something.. But that song is recorded, I can record myself easily too.. I'd thought that it's the clear sound, the MP3 kind of format.
The funny pupils are the boys from Dao Lan and Kong Hwa.. ALWAYS! @_@ Boys!! One of them, from Kong Hwa, he saw a hole in the shorts of one boy from another school, and point to it, he almost shout, "There's a hole here! (gigling)" using the bow to point at the hole. All the pupils around, including me looked at it and laughed.. The boy with the hole then covered it. We can't stop from laughing.. although we had certainly stopped sometimes later..
The other one from Dao Lan is a Primary 3 cute boy. This funny joke happened today. As Dao Lan today, erm.. I think they came later for some reasons. When combine practice came, this boy's double bass is still in the room where we practice sectionally, as he's late, so he forgot to get the bass to the combined practice room from the sectional practice room. He's so good!! The bass only arrived at about 4 and we ended at 4.30!! I've no idea why so. I think the 'da ge ge' had somehow forgot to get the bass, when the boy had asked for it at 1pm. And during the time when he waited, he somehow got asleep and slept on the floor with the casing of the double bass as a pillow.. He slept and slept.. until that our 3o'clock break is over, he's still asleep. Only when we awoke him, by shaking him after our break at around 3.30pm. I'd thought he's dead before he awoke (jkjk!) :XX He's not.. I'd thought because people like me, slept with movements, I mean if I sleep, I'll move here and there, but not just sleep at one position, I always changed positions. So I'd thought that so..
Maybe these jokes aren't funny.. there's still more.. but I think you mind really much for me to post a long post..
So, good bye!
Take care x33
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Today I went to Plaza Singapura with my Mum, sisters and maid. We went there to watch the movie called, 'The Game Plan' It's so nice!! At the beginning of the movie, it's extremely funny and of course in the end, it's super touching..
Okay, tell you what. Before we get to watch the movie, we bought those popcorns and things as ordinary people do, right? Only if you're extraordinary.. Okie.. back to the topic. My sister is so insane! She just straight away bought a big box of popcorns, a packet of twister, a big coke, a medium coke and a.. what nacho cheese thingy.. without even telling us and discussing what to buy and things.. Ahh.. about the nacho cheese chips, when we were going to go to the.. umm.. the room for watching, I mean where a person is there to check our tickets.. When we got there, with those popcorns and twister and cokes and nacho chips, we went to give our tickets but the person in-charge there told us that we got too early and said that we could only go in in five minutes. So we waited and helped ourselves with our those popcorns and twister and cokes.. and not forgetting, the nacho chips. All of a sudden, I saw a sign there saying that children who are in a height over 90cm have to buy a ticket. I told my sister that and she had an idea to have my babysister carried and then the person in-charge won't be able to see our sister with a height over 90cm. So.. when five minutes had passed, my maid carried my babysister and in that moment!! Queenie was holding that nacho chips beside my maid who was in the motion carrying my babysister, Nora and Nora was holding her that blue cutey bag with a cat sticking out.. When Nora was going to be carried, her bag suddenly swinged on the nacho chips Queenie was holding and in that moment, Queenie was suddened to know that the Nacho chips was going to be in risk. The nacho chips then lost its balance and fell onto the floor with those creamy yellowish cheese.. Everyone around looked at us.. Queenie went and complained about my sister's bag and I, helping Nora to say something said, "If you didn't get this idea to carry her then this won't be happening.." and then she went, "If Nora is not this tall, this won't be happening.." and then we went on and on..
But then with all these words though, it doesn't seem as though we were angry, I mean we don't talked like being angry. We just cleaned that mess of cheese and chips and went to give the tickets and ..
I love the movie!!
and that's about it.
See ya.
Okay, tell you what. Before we get to watch the movie, we bought those popcorns and things as ordinary people do, right? Only if you're extraordinary.. Okie.. back to the topic. My sister is so insane! She just straight away bought a big box of popcorns, a packet of twister, a big coke, a medium coke and a.. what nacho cheese thingy.. without even telling us and discussing what to buy and things.. Ahh.. about the nacho cheese chips, when we were going to go to the.. umm.. the room for watching, I mean where a person is there to check our tickets.. When we got there, with those popcorns and twister and cokes and nacho chips, we went to give our tickets but the person in-charge there told us that we got too early and said that we could only go in in five minutes. So we waited and helped ourselves with our those popcorns and twister and cokes.. and not forgetting, the nacho chips. All of a sudden, I saw a sign there saying that children who are in a height over 90cm have to buy a ticket. I told my sister that and she had an idea to have my babysister carried and then the person in-charge won't be able to see our sister with a height over 90cm. So.. when five minutes had passed, my maid carried my babysister and in that moment!! Queenie was holding that nacho chips beside my maid who was in the motion carrying my babysister, Nora and Nora was holding her that blue cutey bag with a cat sticking out.. When Nora was going to be carried, her bag suddenly swinged on the nacho chips Queenie was holding and in that moment, Queenie was suddened to know that the Nacho chips was going to be in risk. The nacho chips then lost its balance and fell onto the floor with those creamy yellowish cheese.. Everyone around looked at us.. Queenie went and complained about my sister's bag and I, helping Nora to say something said, "If you didn't get this idea to carry her then this won't be happening.." and then she went, "If Nora is not this tall, this won't be happening.." and then we went on and on..
But then with all these words though, it doesn't seem as though we were angry, I mean we don't talked like being angry. We just cleaned that mess of cheese and chips and went to give the tickets and ..
I love the movie!!
and that's about it.
See ya.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Today's my lucky day!!
My audition have got to level 11, FREEDOM!! (Still noob..)
The first time I did the licence, I fail it but second..
all thanks to my that perfect finish move!!
Then I've another finish move after that perfect finish move,
and last I passed the licence!!
This is the screenshot perfectly captured of my perfect finish move:
I looked so hilarious..
I'd thought that this time round my licence will fail like hell like last time when I'm at level 9 leveling to 10 until about the 5th time then I'll pass..
I've already passed for the second round!!
I'd also thought that to pass, I'll have to use either 8key or chance in 4key or chance and 8key together..
but without all these,
I passed!
So today's my lucky day like what I've typed in the MSN name..
So much to my practicing in 8key nor chancing..
But in the coming licences, I've got to work hard of either chancing in 4key or 8key..
although 8key will be a more 'chance to pass',
but I'd think I'm choosing chancing in 4key.
I'd thought that it's quite unfair, because that my licence are all different to all the others except some.
Like my level 9 licence, going to level 10, most people's level 9 licence going to level 10 just have to complete a score of 300 000, but me?
I've to clear a score of 330 000!
And of this level 10 licence going to level 11, most people's score is 330 000, but mine?
Already 350 000!
And those most people, their song is a 102 bpm song but mine?
Already 104!!!
I've joined a guild!
So lucky that Clare doesn't mind.
I've joined her guild.
I haven't change the name though,
going to change tomorrow.
Okay.. let's not talk so much about audition.
I'm going to the Chinese Orchestra camp on Friday!!
It gets on my nerves..
I wondered how the other schools' Chinese Orchestra members got so pro.
I'm going to find out on Friday!
I'll missed school with the camp.. but it's okay~ :D
Mr Gan retired..
I'm now refreshing those memories when I'm in Primary 3 which he was my form teacher..
there's so much of the funny things to talk about.
Like that time when taking the class photo,
he gets so angry at.. I think Shi Jie who go and well.. if I'm not wrong of remembering it, he should have accidentally push the camera..
and it nearly falls which makes Mr Gan so angry.
It's not funny at all..
There's still one that Mr Gan pulled Shi Jie's shirt until it's torn..
Shi Jie and Mr Gan again!
And Mr Gan adoring ACB, always.
As well as Cherry Tay.
Logging off now,
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hiee my bloggie..
Once again posting an entry..
I think it would be short, WHO knows?
I've just signned off from audition and met Qiao Mei!
She's level 14 lehh.. I'm envying her..
Whoever who's level higher than me, he/she's my idol!!
Erh.. What's the highest xPerfect that you've been? I'm lousy, I just got x7 perfect for my highest. I've been to this x7 perfect only twice. And this picture down here is my second x7perfect:


and don't mistaken that I'm that boy which the arrow is pointing at..
the arrow isn't pointing at him, it's pointing at me..
I'm behind him..
He blocked my way!!
Lols.. but I have to be blamed as well, who ask me to capture the picture at that angle?
I mean the camera position.
These few days, I got so many perfects everytime I play audition and I don't know why..
It's around 15-30 everytime for my perfects..
I'm showing off, but then there's a lot more people who get more perfects than me.
That's all.. short and sweet~
bye! :)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I always love the moment when exams are over! However, I don't really get to know why am I loving this year's 'SA2's after exam moment' the most compared to all the other like this year's SA1 or last year's CA1 or last last year's CA2. Why didn't I feel the same for last year's or last last year's or this year other exams 'after moment'?! ... Maybe it's because that this year's math is so difficult compared to last year's or last last year's or... this year's other exams or last last last year's.. T.T
that we had to feel a lot more different after the exams.
I felt so relaxed now! I got 60/95 for English although that most people think it's bad, I'd thought that it's good! They think that it's a band 3, I know but at least I improved! But don't think that I've got band 4 before that, band 4? Don't suit me! I had shown a lot of improvements from this year's very first examination which is the CA1. I got ... I think I fail for the English in this year's CA1 and then I just passed for SA1 and got 59 and a half for CA2 and now!! Improved by half mark~ which is 60! I was glad though!! Actually at first when I looked at my score... '59' I felt disappointed as I depraved by half mark from CA2, if I got anything depraved, or that it's just a tiny little bit of deprave, I'll still get upset. And then I checked my paper and saw that one this little question wasn't marked! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! It's the first time I've ever got a question being unmarked in exams. I went to Miss Lim and she said as if thinking that the marker who is supposed to mark that question got some kind of eyesight problem to miss marking my that comprehension question. I'd thought that maybe I wouldn't get any mark for this question but to my surprise, I got one mark! And add up altogether I got 60! I felt so proud of myself to improve although that the improvement is only a half mark. My booklet A is really bad, just passed, 17/30 but Booklet B help me catch up! 43/65!!!
For my normal Chinese, I got 47/50 for section A.. !! YES! SO HIGH! I'D THOUGHT THAT IT'S THE HIGHEST I'VE EVER GOT FOR CHINESE'S SECTION A! But.. I'm over happy and excited that I've only got 26/40 for my section B and overall, I'd only got 73/90.. though that it's already an eighty if it's appoint one hundred.. If I didn't get above 70 for the appoint 90, I shouldn't have been in the first Chinese class which is what Miss Ling, my Chinese teacher had said.. She said that if you got 70 and above you'll have a high chance of staying in the first Chinese class for next year. I hope that I'll still get at least 1% of luck to stay in the first Chinese class for next year! I just passed for being in the first Chinese class!
For higher Chinese... I'm bad at this! I only got 43 and a half and I didn't improve at all! Oh yeah, forgot to tell you whether I got improve for normal Chinese, I did, improved, and I'm satisfy.. but it's a shame that I deprave for higher Chinese and my sister even beat me in higher Chinese.. BY HALF MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm becoming hot under the collar!!!! All these trivial things like this tiny little 'half mark' will make me feel irate!
I hadn't know my scores for Maths and Science, I'd rather not to know those marks..
I always love the moment when exams are over! However, I don't really get to know why am I loving this year's 'SA2's after exam moment' the most compared to all the other like this year's SA1 or last year's CA1 or last last year's CA2. Why didn't I feel the same for last year's or last last year's or this year other exams 'after moment'?! ... Maybe it's because that this year's math is so difficult compared to last year's or last last year's or... this year's other exams or last last last year's.. T.T
that we had to feel a lot more different after the exams.
I felt so relaxed now! I got 60/95 for English although that most people think it's bad, I'd thought that it's good! They think that it's a band 3, I know but at least I improved! But don't think that I've got band 4 before that, band 4? Don't suit me! I had shown a lot of improvements from this year's very first examination which is the CA1. I got ... I think I fail for the English in this year's CA1 and then I just passed for SA1 and got 59 and a half for CA2 and now!! Improved by half mark~ which is 60! I was glad though!! Actually at first when I looked at my score... '59' I felt disappointed as I depraved by half mark from CA2, if I got anything depraved, or that it's just a tiny little bit of deprave, I'll still get upset. And then I checked my paper and saw that one this little question wasn't marked! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! It's the first time I've ever got a question being unmarked in exams. I went to Miss Lim and she said as if thinking that the marker who is supposed to mark that question got some kind of eyesight problem to miss marking my that comprehension question. I'd thought that maybe I wouldn't get any mark for this question but to my surprise, I got one mark! And add up altogether I got 60! I felt so proud of myself to improve although that the improvement is only a half mark. My booklet A is really bad, just passed, 17/30 but Booklet B help me catch up! 43/65!!!
For my normal Chinese, I got 47/50 for section A.. !! YES! SO HIGH! I'D THOUGHT THAT IT'S THE HIGHEST I'VE EVER GOT FOR CHINESE'S SECTION A! But.. I'm over happy and excited that I've only got 26/40 for my section B and overall, I'd only got 73/90.. though that it's already an eighty if it's appoint one hundred.. If I didn't get above 70 for the appoint 90, I shouldn't have been in the first Chinese class which is what Miss Ling, my Chinese teacher had said.. She said that if you got 70 and above you'll have a high chance of staying in the first Chinese class for next year. I hope that I'll still get at least 1% of luck to stay in the first Chinese class for next year! I just passed for being in the first Chinese class!
For higher Chinese... I'm bad at this! I only got 43 and a half and I didn't improve at all! Oh yeah, forgot to tell you whether I got improve for normal Chinese, I did, improved, and I'm satisfy.. but it's a shame that I deprave for higher Chinese and my sister even beat me in higher Chinese.. BY HALF MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm becoming hot under the collar!!!! All these trivial things like this tiny little 'half mark' will make me feel irate!
I hadn't know my scores for Maths and Science, I'd rather not to know those marks..
Monday, October 22, 2007
Today's Chinese is... please don't force me to say.. I've never feel any 'difficulties' in Chinese and yet now, I feel it! It's so difficult of today's Chinese paper! My knowledge of Chinese has shrinked! Probably, shrinking more and more when the time was going more and more.. My Chinese! I thought that I'm so good at Chinese and yet now that I feel.. getting lost with Chinese.. I think I'm going to fail for this Chinese! But luckily that it's only higher chinese, it's more important of the normal chinese!
Okay, I wanna say no more of today's chinese since it's so sad.. so completely making me to have my heart in my mouth.. and so making me feel everything is messy, everything is... !! The more I think or talk about the today's Chinese, the more I think of not doing well in the coming exams! How am I going to get recovered?! Tomorrow's the English!! Okay, I've got it! I'll just watch some television shows to stop myself from thinking of any of this little tyronnizing Chinese! It's tyronnizing me! Okay, STOP! ..
I've thought of audition sometimes these few days but I could easily forget about it.. YAY! I'm gonna work out on the exams this week! GET GOOD RESULT! That's will only help myself from playing audition in that 'relieve' and 'satisfy' feeling that I allow myself to play since I had done such a good job in the exams.. ARGH!! Nelly, can you just stop talking about the past and the future?! Okay.. Sometimes I really feel that I'm annoying to myself.. RIDICULOUS RIGHT?
All right, I tell you what. Today I got this real strange letter from Xiao Meng. I don't know what to do with it, I thought she has gone insane or something like that or is she just like that? Okay.. She gave me this letter that includes her email and so many other things. She wrote 'To: Mrs Ke' LOLS. When had I been to a 'Mrs'?! And then she wrote some vogual words.. which made me crazy! And inside, in the real in part, she put a photo of herself.. She's ABSOLUTELY crazy! What do I do with that photo of her? I've NO idea! We're not in the same class now, not chinese class, not english class, did I even get to speak with her this year? I don't know and I don't know either why she gave me that stupid letter. I think she has gone insane, thinking that it's still primary 3 times... !!! Thinking about the past again, NEL?! NOOOO!! Don't think of any past or future ANYMORE! I had gone insane with her, hadn't I? OMG...
I'm going to make myself comfortable for tomorrow's exams as what I had said to watch some televisions to try to forget all about that CHINESE.. I thought I had already forgot it until now that I had mentioned it... ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! All right, BYE!
Okay, I wanna say no more of today's chinese since it's so sad.. so completely making me to have my heart in my mouth.. and so making me feel everything is messy, everything is... !! The more I think or talk about the today's Chinese, the more I think of not doing well in the coming exams! How am I going to get recovered?! Tomorrow's the English!! Okay, I've got it! I'll just watch some television shows to stop myself from thinking of any of this little tyronnizing Chinese! It's tyronnizing me! Okay, STOP! ..
I've thought of audition sometimes these few days but I could easily forget about it.. YAY! I'm gonna work out on the exams this week! GET GOOD RESULT! That's will only help myself from playing audition in that 'relieve' and 'satisfy' feeling that I allow myself to play since I had done such a good job in the exams.. ARGH!! Nelly, can you just stop talking about the past and the future?! Okay.. Sometimes I really feel that I'm annoying to myself.. RIDICULOUS RIGHT?
All right, I tell you what. Today I got this real strange letter from Xiao Meng. I don't know what to do with it, I thought she has gone insane or something like that or is she just like that? Okay.. She gave me this letter that includes her email and so many other things. She wrote 'To: Mrs Ke' LOLS. When had I been to a 'Mrs'?! And then she wrote some vogual words.. which made me crazy! And inside, in the real in part, she put a photo of herself.. She's ABSOLUTELY crazy! What do I do with that photo of her? I've NO idea! We're not in the same class now, not chinese class, not english class, did I even get to speak with her this year? I don't know and I don't know either why she gave me that stupid letter. I think she has gone insane, thinking that it's still primary 3 times... !!! Thinking about the past again, NEL?! NOOOO!! Don't think of any past or future ANYMORE! I had gone insane with her, hadn't I? OMG...
I'm going to make myself comfortable for tomorrow's exams as what I had said to watch some televisions to try to forget all about that CHINESE.. I thought I had already forgot it until now that I had mentioned it... ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! All right, BYE!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Waaa... time is really this fast..
Just let me tell you all these extremely great amount of things that had just happened in this fast period.
Well, it's really fast~ At the beginning of the holidays, there's my mom coming Singapore from Hong Kong and it's this fast that she had just went back to Hong Kong today. You see, we (my Dad, Nora, Queenie and I) fetched her to the airport today and time got so fast that without even feeling the fast motion, you can already tell that it's fast from when we had gone there around 3 and came back home at 7pm.. I didn't feel any 'slow' at all!! Everytime we went to the airport, the best thing to do is to go to Mcdonald and we (Nora, Queenie and I [NQN]) are really excited when everytime we came to the Airport. But maybe it's not really what feels like that for my dearest Queenie, perhaps that she didn't really feel excited as you see she doesn't like eating much and our darling Mom is going back to Hong Kong that everytime 'Hong Kong' is mentioned in her brain, she would feel rather miserable to be locked in Singapore. But well, this is only my opinion about her, not really that she might feel but I thought it's what she feels?
Time gets really fast especially when you're on the computer, I always thought why is that so and I thought that I know why now. Everytime when I am with the computer for example of blogging or blogskinning or playing audition, it seems really fast without even get to know. I think it's because that computer is really attractive for people around my age, and once you on it, you never know when you would just say good bye to it. It's really difficult to me to say good bye, well, because that when I on it, I find it.. really.. erm.. precious to have it onned, and whenever it's time to off it, I thought that I would have something missed that I didn't do in the computer. Yes and it's true. I've thought of what else that I didn't do in the computer and I thought that I've done everything (my memory is BAD!) but then when I went to bed that night, I recognised a thing to do in the computer. This thing is to make a tagboard in my new blogskin account, and I hadn't even put the tagboard there yet until now for two reasons of my bad memory and my time is too not squeezable.
I had played audition with Serene, Clare, Stephanie, my sister on Tuesday and well, that I really think that they are a lot more pro than we are(Queenie and I). I really ENVIED them! (X
Examinations are coming!!! How fast time is!! It's just like yesterday that I'm having my first day at school this year. And now that it had come to SA2, the final exam?! OH MY~~~ I'm going to faint.. but it all depend on my hard work, of how I had worked will be paid off. I think that I would only get 'average average' for this SA2, but maybe a little lower? This year, it's quite my so called 'game' year? I played tales of pirate, audition, blogskins, and often blogged(oftenly blogged is only at the beginning of the year)... FAST~ Once I did this whole lot of things, it seems very fast! The more I do, the more time I'll squeeze in of my time 'square' (I called this myself) and I thought that I had only left with one-tenth of it to work with my SA2.. 2-tenth of it spent on audition and another 2-tenth on Tales Of Pirate, 3-tenth on designing blogskins, and 3-tenth on blogging, it only left with 2-tenth and I shall share this 2-tenth in my studies.. =='' don't you feel that I'm getting lazier? ... I hoped that I won't be like this next year, as PSLE is here by then.. I don't want to regret like most students who took PSLE do.
Today in the MRT train when we are taking our honey Mom to airport, I made a beg with my sister of the PSLE scores this year. From rumours, that the maths one is really difficult that came a whole load of parents complaining to MOE and Science, most pupils can't even complete it.. I had thought that the highest would be 260 but my sister said that it's 284.. then we made a beg. If the highest of all is nearer to my score, she will give me 10K in tales of pirate and if the score is nearer to hers, I will give her 10K in tales of pirate. I said 'no problem'... cux I got lots of money in TOP(lols.. I'm not trying to act proud).. While I thought about it... I suddenly thought that it should be well, highest should be at least 270 because Maths and Science have only 50 for full marks.. I'd thought that the full marks for both of them respectively is 100.. How silly I am.. but just hope for luck.. please score lower.. :X (am I discouraging the P6s?) but they already took the test, though..

Look at this image, when I look at it, I wanna laugh!
HAHAHAHA... it's taken in the Health Promotion Board when we are hanging out with our Nora to have the test of the four-year-old thing.. when I suddenly flashed my handphone at my Queenie, usually she will flashed back at me like this:

but I think that she's too crumsily that day and got her handphone at the other side... erm.. sounds funny? ...
Just let me tell you all these extremely great amount of things that had just happened in this fast period.
Well, it's really fast~ At the beginning of the holidays, there's my mom coming Singapore from Hong Kong and it's this fast that she had just went back to Hong Kong today. You see, we (my Dad, Nora, Queenie and I) fetched her to the airport today and time got so fast that without even feeling the fast motion, you can already tell that it's fast from when we had gone there around 3 and came back home at 7pm.. I didn't feel any 'slow' at all!! Everytime we went to the airport, the best thing to do is to go to Mcdonald and we (Nora, Queenie and I [NQN]) are really excited when everytime we came to the Airport. But maybe it's not really what feels like that for my dearest Queenie, perhaps that she didn't really feel excited as you see she doesn't like eating much and our darling Mom is going back to Hong Kong that everytime 'Hong Kong' is mentioned in her brain, she would feel rather miserable to be locked in Singapore. But well, this is only my opinion about her, not really that she might feel but I thought it's what she feels?
Time gets really fast especially when you're on the computer, I always thought why is that so and I thought that I know why now. Everytime when I am with the computer for example of blogging or blogskinning or playing audition, it seems really fast without even get to know. I think it's because that computer is really attractive for people around my age, and once you on it, you never know when you would just say good bye to it. It's really difficult to me to say good bye, well, because that when I on it, I find it.. really.. erm.. precious to have it onned, and whenever it's time to off it, I thought that I would have something missed that I didn't do in the computer. Yes and it's true. I've thought of what else that I didn't do in the computer and I thought that I've done everything (my memory is BAD!) but then when I went to bed that night, I recognised a thing to do in the computer. This thing is to make a tagboard in my new blogskin account, and I hadn't even put the tagboard there yet until now for two reasons of my bad memory and my time is too not squeezable.
I had played audition with Serene, Clare, Stephanie, my sister on Tuesday and well, that I really think that they are a lot more pro than we are(Queenie and I). I really ENVIED them! (X
Examinations are coming!!! How fast time is!! It's just like yesterday that I'm having my first day at school this year. And now that it had come to SA2, the final exam?! OH MY~~~ I'm going to faint.. but it all depend on my hard work, of how I had worked will be paid off. I think that I would only get 'average average' for this SA2, but maybe a little lower? This year, it's quite my so called 'game' year? I played tales of pirate, audition, blogskins, and often blogged(oftenly blogged is only at the beginning of the year)... FAST~ Once I did this whole lot of things, it seems very fast! The more I do, the more time I'll squeeze in of my time 'square' (I called this myself) and I thought that I had only left with one-tenth of it to work with my SA2.. 2-tenth of it spent on audition and another 2-tenth on Tales Of Pirate, 3-tenth on designing blogskins, and 3-tenth on blogging, it only left with 2-tenth and I shall share this 2-tenth in my studies.. =='' don't you feel that I'm getting lazier? ... I hoped that I won't be like this next year, as PSLE is here by then.. I don't want to regret like most students who took PSLE do.
Today in the MRT train when we are taking our honey Mom to airport, I made a beg with my sister of the PSLE scores this year. From rumours, that the maths one is really difficult that came a whole load of parents complaining to MOE and Science, most pupils can't even complete it.. I had thought that the highest would be 260 but my sister said that it's 284.. then we made a beg. If the highest of all is nearer to my score, she will give me 10K in tales of pirate and if the score is nearer to hers, I will give her 10K in tales of pirate. I said 'no problem'... cux I got lots of money in TOP(lols.. I'm not trying to act proud).. While I thought about it... I suddenly thought that it should be well, highest should be at least 270 because Maths and Science have only 50 for full marks.. I'd thought that the full marks for both of them respectively is 100.. How silly I am.. but just hope for luck.. please score lower.. :X (am I discouraging the P6s?) but they already took the test, though..
Look at this image, when I look at it, I wanna laugh!
HAHAHAHA... it's taken in the Health Promotion Board when we are hanging out with our Nora to have the test of the four-year-old thing.. when I suddenly flashed my handphone at my Queenie, usually she will flashed back at me like this:
but I think that she's too crumsily that day and got her handphone at the other side... erm.. sounds funny? ...
Sunday, October 07, 2007
'S' entry
Coming up with another entry again! But I feel so sorry that this post is going to be short. I call this the 'S' entry. S for simple,short and sweet. MAN. I was sicked on Friday and don't you know why? The night before that day I ate that stupid(starting with a 's' again) ice cream and got stomachache all night long during my sleep. My stomach was so pain that I feel like vomiting the next day. I really vomit and that was when I realised what I vomited was the ice cream I ate last night. Although I vomited, I still feel uncomfortable and when I checked with the thermometer, I realised that I was having fever! Then then then, I felt so sleepy that day. I slept for two hours and then woke up and then wanna sleep again.. I slept and woke and slept and woke.. and felt as if I had been experiencing through days and days... sleep and wake up and sleep and wake up and.... another day.. Anyway I recovered by eating those home bought medicine,but not going to see doctor, so I don't have any Medical Certificates that my father had to be bothered to write a letter..
And then these few days when I was hurrying to catch up the homeworks... I felt that I don't have enough time to do the homeworks and there's still assessment.. or should I say that homeworks are too much?? But anyway I still got time to play audition... look at the pictures.. erm? am I too much? I mean I have time to play but not work?
First hug with couple, first kiss with a 'di shan zhe' or is it my couple who is the real 'di shan zhe'? Dunno larhs.. And tell you all what that actually a cockroach saved me from licence.. how does it happen? I've no idea too. At the last step when I still haven't even got to the score but perfect has already passed, I actually thought that I might miss that step but when my maid screamed, "cockroach" when she saw a cockroach running around, I seemed to be really tense with that step and I did it!... erhhh maybe you don't understand but just let yourself know that a cockroach helped me pass my level9 licence. Erm or maybe no larhs, I did it myself right? Just coincidence. I screamed like mad that I passed 'cause I failed for three times before that passed one and I passed at the fourth!!! And I 've got my first perfectx7 today.. though very nan larhxz..
And then these few days when I was hurrying to catch up the homeworks... I felt that I don't have enough time to do the homeworks and there's still assessment.. or should I say that homeworks are too much?? But anyway I still got time to play audition... look at the pictures.. erm? am I too much? I mean I have time to play but not work?
haizzz.. dunno larhs.. I formed couple leh, with a person called 'AntiMiss'
The photo down there is me and AntiMiss hugging. Do you know that it's my first hug??
Lolsss. I'm like 'yi jiao ta liang chuan'. After that when he offlined, I played couple battle party.. although we failed , but I got my first kiss.. with.. ahh.. you can see urself. Lolzz.
First hug with couple, first kiss with a 'di shan zhe' or is it my couple who is the real 'di shan zhe'? Dunno larhs.. And tell you all what that actually a cockroach saved me from licence.. how does it happen? I've no idea too. At the last step when I still haven't even got to the score but perfect has already passed, I actually thought that I might miss that step but when my maid screamed, "cockroach" when she saw a cockroach running around, I seemed to be really tense with that step and I did it!... erhhh maybe you don't understand but just let yourself know that a cockroach helped me pass my level9 licence. Erm or maybe no larhs, I did it myself right? Just coincidence. I screamed like mad that I passed 'cause I failed for three times before that passed one and I passed at the fourth!!! And I 've got my first perfectx7 today.. though very nan larhxz..
Friday, September 28, 2007
Coming up with another blog entry again! ^^ Okay tell you what about the impromptu thing happening on Wednesday. It's so SCARY!! Ok larh, I admit that I don't actually feel that 'nervous' feeling when I'm out there answering to the sudden question. I chose the yellow card and the question is,"If you can be anyone, who would you be?" I said that I would be the principal of the school then I can reduce the amount of time in school and increase the holiday time and I'll announce to the whole entire school to have a year for school and the other whole year for holiday... You see, I've just thought of these ideas right at the front there so I got a lot of 'er... erm... er...' You can't blame me of that 'cause I had thought of these ideas there right away so I get to say these ers and erms. It's either Felicia or Shi Ting who gave me a thumb up when I'm speaking to the class, I've forgot which or may it be both of them, FORGOT liao! Okay and then this wacky Loh Chang go and put a thumb 'down' to me lorhh!!! I wanna give him this thumb 'down' too to him of my revenge! But then I'm not supposed to get a thumb 'down', I should get a ... thumb 'middle'?! thingy as I didn't fail this impromptu but he should have got this thumb 'down' as he failed this! Miss Lim had told us the marks when everyone had been tested. I still remember that this Loh Chang only got to answer the question but not elaborate about the answer when he's at the front there. When I finished the talk and got back to my seat, I thought of that I had answered the question wrongly. Shouldn't I say the minister of the education instead of principal? Since that the minister gets more priviledge than the principal. The minister will make this of having a year of holiday and the other year for studying realer than the principal.
Hmm.. and there's a lot of other things happening that day too, like me running crazily during recess, holding the packet of milk in my hands. It happened like this that Gladi, Patricia, Sharmine, Jia Yi , Hin Yin and I played the game called, 'Ice and Water' Gladi and Pactricia were the ices who are supposed to freeze the water who were Sharmine, Jia Yi, Hin Yin and I. Gladi caught Jia Yi and I and Sharmine and Hin Yin ran away to hide and were difficult to be found of. Gladi pulled Jia Yi and I to the canteen and then Jia Yi asked Gladi if she could buy a packet of milk. She said okay and she asked us to stay and not to run away because she was going to buy something too. I followed Jia Yi to buy a packet of milk. After she bought it, she asked me to hold it as she was going to put the change into her wallet and need one more hand for her packet of milk. By then, I saw Sharmine running in the parade ground! I ran towards her and forgetting about the packet of milk on my hands 'cause I wanna escape from Icy Gladi! Then then then, Sharmine saw me running towards her and thought that I'm the catcher but actually I'm not! I was chasing her for her to save me! She stopped at a corner and said to me 'pause'. She really thought I'm the catcher!! LOL. I explained to her that I'm there to be saved and we both laughed at the joke of the misunderstanding. We both then hid at that corner where it's a place where no one usually goes. After a while, the recess bell rang and both of us ran back to the parade ground and Jia Yi saw me with the packet of milk and seemed to be angry. 'cause she didn't get to drink it during recess! But she seemed to have a little giggle that I had chased Sharmine with the packet of milk. HAHAHA.. I thought of the joke after recess and laughed like mad to myself, people around me thought I'm crazy. LOL.
Today it's the Children's Day celebration and it's supposed to be a very happy day and yes it is but at the end of today came the real fight of the competition we had had. At the beginning of the day, I felt really happy 'cause it's so funny of the jokes at the performances by the teachers. At the end of the day, there's this 'freezebie' competition and our boys had managed to go to the final round. At last they lost and some of our classmates wanted to pull our boys up and said the little things that the opponent had cheated. And I thought this year's children's day celebration was the best ever 'cause there's pizzas and ice-creams and lollipops and lots of other provided food and drinks and things... that made me vomit 'cause that's really a whole load of... -.-
These are the presents of the Children's day celebration:

This is my favourite! Sharmiew gave this to me!

Here's some photos of my sister's birthday celebration on 27 Sept 2007:
The birthday cake:

My babysister singing the birthday song:

I actually get to snap a photo of my sister blowing the candle that day but she had deleted that image when I am not around. urgh!!!
My silly 11-year-old sister(this is my revenge):
Hmm.. and there's a lot of other things happening that day too, like me running crazily during recess, holding the packet of milk in my hands. It happened like this that Gladi, Patricia, Sharmine, Jia Yi , Hin Yin and I played the game called, 'Ice and Water' Gladi and Pactricia were the ices who are supposed to freeze the water who were Sharmine, Jia Yi, Hin Yin and I. Gladi caught Jia Yi and I and Sharmine and Hin Yin ran away to hide and were difficult to be found of. Gladi pulled Jia Yi and I to the canteen and then Jia Yi asked Gladi if she could buy a packet of milk. She said okay and she asked us to stay and not to run away because she was going to buy something too. I followed Jia Yi to buy a packet of milk. After she bought it, she asked me to hold it as she was going to put the change into her wallet and need one more hand for her packet of milk. By then, I saw Sharmine running in the parade ground! I ran towards her and forgetting about the packet of milk on my hands 'cause I wanna escape from Icy Gladi! Then then then, Sharmine saw me running towards her and thought that I'm the catcher but actually I'm not! I was chasing her for her to save me! She stopped at a corner and said to me 'pause'. She really thought I'm the catcher!! LOL. I explained to her that I'm there to be saved and we both laughed at the joke of the misunderstanding. We both then hid at that corner where it's a place where no one usually goes. After a while, the recess bell rang and both of us ran back to the parade ground and Jia Yi saw me with the packet of milk and seemed to be angry. 'cause she didn't get to drink it during recess! But she seemed to have a little giggle that I had chased Sharmine with the packet of milk. HAHAHA.. I thought of the joke after recess and laughed like mad to myself, people around me thought I'm crazy. LOL.
Today it's the Children's Day celebration and it's supposed to be a very happy day and yes it is but at the end of today came the real fight of the competition we had had. At the beginning of the day, I felt really happy 'cause it's so funny of the jokes at the performances by the teachers. At the end of the day, there's this 'freezebie' competition and our boys had managed to go to the final round. At last they lost and some of our classmates wanted to pull our boys up and said the little things that the opponent had cheated. And I thought this year's children's day celebration was the best ever 'cause there's pizzas and ice-creams and lollipops and lots of other provided food and drinks and things... that made me vomit 'cause that's really a whole load of... -.-
These are the presents of the Children's day celebration:
This is my favourite! Sharmiew gave this to me!
Here's some photos of my sister's birthday celebration on 27 Sept 2007:
The birthday cake:
My babysister singing the birthday song:
I actually get to snap a photo of my sister blowing the candle that day but she had deleted that image when I am not around. urgh!!!
My silly 11-year-old sister(this is my revenge):
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Yesterday was the Mid Autumn Festival and there's a real big load of people at school around 6pm. But not as much as I think it should be, 'cause this year, it's different as in my sister and I went to school for PERFORMANCE only. No one else came in my family, not my Dad, not my Mom, not my Nora sis... but it's quite free without them, because that then my sister and I can buy whatever we want. Not like last year that my Mom only allow us to buy a popcorn but not the pink blossom candy. After this performance, my sister and I went and buy some things like popcorn, the pink candy and drinks.. and then we went home straight away.
But let me tell you about the performance, it's so a spout of craziness in it. Before this craziness began, we were all in the C3 room. The most exceptional thing in the C3 room where we, the Chinese Orchestra practice that happened yesterday was that we heard the music that was played by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra of the song we are going to play during SYF next year. This Orchestra is completely professional, but I mean, yes they are, of course they are, and yet what I think is that they are more pro compared to the professional's professionals. You all know what about this song we are going to play during SYF next year? It's absolutely fast at the beginning of the song and the ending of the song. In the CD itself which was brought by our instructor from her treasure home, the beginning and the ending of the song is a total faster than the fast I thought it should be. I love the song! When I heard it, I seem to be really in a celebration of a festival which is what the song really is supposed to be felt. At the middle part of the song, is the slow and soothe part which is my thought of wandering and rambling around. And the whole song is awesome!
Okay now, tell you what about the craziness. At the performance which had us after the aerobic dance by the P3s, I was sitting beside the Yu Xiao Ping playing the cello and we shared my file together. I sat right at the side which the audience can see me the clearest and she sat next to me which is not so clear to the audience to see. When the MC spoke of Chinese Orchestra to start, our instructor came in and all of us stood up and she greeted the audience. It's still quite supervised of two-third of those songs which are the first two songs we played but when it came to the last song which is the third song. The darkness emerged and both Xiao Ping and I can't really see what the file said. She moved the file to the right which is nearer to her so that she can see but she didn't even think that I was beside her and was sharing the file with her too. I moved it nearer to me which is to the left and then she moved back to the right. I don't want to fight with her to move the file right and left and right and left that make the whole orchestra a total mess of disaster so I looked up to the instructor as if I was ready and she looked at all the others which were ready as well, then she started to wave her hands to start the song. LOL. I can't even see a single note on the file itself. I could see some but maybe it's one-hundredth of that file that I could see because the rest which is ninety-nine-hundredth of that file was all covered by Yu Xiao Ping's shadow!! She thinks that she's a primary four and I'm a primary five and that's why I must give precedence out of courtesy to her. But in real age, she's older than me. LOL. And the file belongs to me, and the audience could see me clearly than her. But I still played the song, as if I'm playing correctly, since that my acting is so good that no one discovers that I played the song wrongly except Yu Xiao Ping who knows 'cause she knows that I couldn't see the file and she could hear me playing the wrong notes. But I never fight with her or argue with her of all these, I just let her go to keep our relationship. And another reason that I didn't argue is that I didn't really put this in my heart, 'cause this performance is just a little performance, no BIG deal. It's just the SYF which I think should be the BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG... deal.
Now now now.. tell you what. Yesterday, I played audition until midnight!! I got so addited to it, and yet I don't feel regret that I wasted my time in it. I've just got to level 7.. haha, lolzz.
But let me tell you about the performance, it's so a spout of craziness in it. Before this craziness began, we were all in the C3 room. The most exceptional thing in the C3 room where we, the Chinese Orchestra practice that happened yesterday was that we heard the music that was played by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra of the song we are going to play during SYF next year. This Orchestra is completely professional, but I mean, yes they are, of course they are, and yet what I think is that they are more pro compared to the professional's professionals. You all know what about this song we are going to play during SYF next year? It's absolutely fast at the beginning of the song and the ending of the song. In the CD itself which was brought by our instructor from her treasure home, the beginning and the ending of the song is a total faster than the fast I thought it should be. I love the song! When I heard it, I seem to be really in a celebration of a festival which is what the song really is supposed to be felt. At the middle part of the song, is the slow and soothe part which is my thought of wandering and rambling around. And the whole song is awesome!
Okay now, tell you what about the craziness. At the performance which had us after the aerobic dance by the P3s, I was sitting beside the Yu Xiao Ping playing the cello and we shared my file together. I sat right at the side which the audience can see me the clearest and she sat next to me which is not so clear to the audience to see. When the MC spoke of Chinese Orchestra to start, our instructor came in and all of us stood up and she greeted the audience. It's still quite supervised of two-third of those songs which are the first two songs we played but when it came to the last song which is the third song. The darkness emerged and both Xiao Ping and I can't really see what the file said. She moved the file to the right which is nearer to her so that she can see but she didn't even think that I was beside her and was sharing the file with her too. I moved it nearer to me which is to the left and then she moved back to the right. I don't want to fight with her to move the file right and left and right and left that make the whole orchestra a total mess of disaster so I looked up to the instructor as if I was ready and she looked at all the others which were ready as well, then she started to wave her hands to start the song. LOL. I can't even see a single note on the file itself. I could see some but maybe it's one-hundredth of that file that I could see because the rest which is ninety-nine-hundredth of that file was all covered by Yu Xiao Ping's shadow!! She thinks that she's a primary four and I'm a primary five and that's why I must give precedence out of courtesy to her. But in real age, she's older than me. LOL. And the file belongs to me, and the audience could see me clearly than her. But I still played the song, as if I'm playing correctly, since that my acting is so good that no one discovers that I played the song wrongly except Yu Xiao Ping who knows 'cause she knows that I couldn't see the file and she could hear me playing the wrong notes. But I never fight with her or argue with her of all these, I just let her go to keep our relationship. And another reason that I didn't argue is that I didn't really put this in my heart, 'cause this performance is just a little performance, no BIG deal. It's just the SYF which I think should be the BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG... deal.
Now now now.. tell you what. Yesterday, I played audition until midnight!! I got so addited to it, and yet I don't feel regret that I wasted my time in it. I've just got to level 7.. haha, lolzz.
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